Saturday, September 28, 2024

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Students should vote in annual ASMSU election

We recommend students vote in the elections so the voice of the entire MSU community is heard. Everyone’s voice is needed to have the most efficient ASMSU staff. Your voice might mean a lot more than you think, and at this time of the year, ASMSU is listening.


New legislation will simplify student loans

The passing of this legislation is a sign the government is heading in the right direction to increase the number of college graduates. The new law will allow students easier, more direct funding for college. The government is cutting out what seems like an unnecessary middleman in the form of private loan companies, which might look to make money off of students and add unneeded red tape to the lending process.


Tax on tanning industry unfortunate, logical

With luxuries such as alcohol and cigarettes already being taxed, it seems the next most plausible industry to tax is tanning. Cigarettes and alcohol can directly harm those who consume and abuse them, and those consuming these products should be well aware of the risks they are taking.


Students should have final say on referendum issue

ASMSU had created the Readership Program to run for three years. Unfortunately, the funding has not lasted that long. That was a fault in the original plan. However, it’s a plan for the students and paid for with taxes included in tuition. If ASMSU passes a tax referendum to pay for the program to continue for another year, students at MSU should be able to vote to allow it or not.


Dantonio right to reinstate football players

Four MSU football players have been reinstated to the team, ending months of speculation about the players’ futures at MSU. Now that these athletes have faced consequences, it’s time for the Spartan community to move on.


ASMSU scholarship should aid future leaders

ASMSU members are taking steps to provide students with sorely needed funding during these uncertain economic times. Any amount of money — even $3,000 — can go far toward a person’s future. Compared to previous half-baked ASMSU expenses on student taxpayer money, this scholarship serves a much higher purpose and will have the potential to assist all students at a greater level.


Signing of health care bill historic moment for U.S.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt went down in history for by the New Deal. Ronald Reagan helped bring down communism. George W. Bush will be remembered for Sept. 11. Tuesday, President Barack Obama signed into law a massive health care reform that is likely to define his presidency for decades to come.


Mich. Meatout Day major management mistake

It appears Granholm made a mistake by proclaiming Meatout Day, and the media blew it out of proportion. Even so, how much influence does Granholm hold on the state to tell the residents to celebrate almost trivial days such as these?


Budget cuts should be fewer for state schools

It makes no sense to use state funding for students attending a private university after high school. More state money should go to state-funded universities. Although private colleges remain a fundamental part of higher education, current economic conditions should reduce the funds allocated to students attending these institutions.


Extending term limits would aid competent politicians

State Rep. Mark Meadows, D-East Lansing, announced his plan to extend state legislators’ term limits in both the Michigan House and Senate. As Michigan’s constitution currently states, state representatives are limited to six years in the House and eight years in the Senate. Moreover, term lengths are two and four in the House and Senate, respectively.


No Child Left Behind revisions sorely needed

No Child Left Behind was crafted with good intentions but created a lot of difficulties once it was implemented. The plan left behind teachers, forcing them to spend most of their time on reading and math proficiency, especially in primary schools where one teacher taught most of the subjects.


Increasing number of Mich. casinos a gamble

What does it say about our state when we fund education ­— our future generations — through gambling? Should the proposal pass, the electorate is betting casinos will be the state’s magic bullet to solve part of the education budget crisis. Ideally, Michigan will be seen as a place of entertainment and thriving school districts all within the foreground of the state’s natural beauty.


Vet practices shouldn't harm animals, learning process

Many students might be shocked to learn that after MSU veterinary students perform educational surgery on a live animal, the subjects are euthanized shortly thereafter. That method soon will be history now that MSU has decided to change its policies on the use of live animals for learning — a right move as long as the quality of education doesn’t suffer.


Royal Hanneford Circus should remain on campus

In the grand scheme of things, the debate over the circus performance is a matter of ideology. What exactly constitutes animal abuse? Some might see the idea of a circus itself as abuse to all the animals involved, while others might be more concerned with whether or not these animals are undergoing unnecessary stress or suffering. SPAR members have a right to be concerned for animal safety, but they must realize that their ideology might not align with every student at this university.


O'Brien appearance might exclude some students

As NBC welcomed Jay Leno back to his position as host of “The Tonight Show” this week, ASMSU members attempted to welcome its former host, Conan O’Brien, to MSU. ASMSU placed a bid last week to persuade O’Brien to stop by campus to perform in May. If O’Brien comes to campus, he potentially could perform May 10-13 and 16-21, a time when many students are off campus for summer break.


MSU administrators deserve raises, recognition

An average student might look at these salary increases and be angry, especially considering MSU’s recent cuts in other areas. But in the grand scheme of things, raises for university officials are a normal occurrence, and students shouldn’t be upset without looking further into the situation.


MSU coal plant should own up to violations

It would be ideal if MSU made efforts to move beyond coal energy in the future, but we as a university and culture are too reliant on it at this point in time to make a drastic change. Once the plant has bounced back from the violations and made the appropriate corrections, MSU will be able to move on from the mistakes and continue meeting EPA guidelines.


E.L. should stall pending sale of fraternity house

The East Lansing City Council and East Lansing Planning Commission should do what they can to stall the development. The city cannot stop a sale outright, but the planning commission will look at how the development would comply with city codes, a process that can take months and give the local fraternity time to find another buyer or solidify its tentative deal with the alumnus. Too much tampering would be illegal, but for once, bureaucracy and drawing things out would look good on the city of East Lansing.