Saturday, September 28, 2024

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Michigan commission's reactive ban misses point

Nicknamed “black out in a can,” Four Loko and other alcoholic energy drinks have been banned from Michigan vendor’s shelves. Like other recent Michigan bans, it does little to address the problems in a community with an entrenched binge drinking culture.


Political mood swings should not sway Board

The Republican tsunami swelled through Michigan on Tuesday, and cost the Democrats at least one seat on the MSU Board of Trustees. Although we welcome our new Trustees Mitch Lyons and Brian Breslin with a big “Go green, go white,” it’s a shame that Colleen McNamara cannot return for another term


Republicans must deliver promised results

Tuesday’s results should come as a surprise to no one. Republicans firmly are in the driver’s seat in Michigan. If one is a Democrat, Tuesday’s result probably stung more than a little, but really it should be an anger tempered by inevitability. The bad economy had “backlash” written all over it.


Breslin, McNamara provide balance to board

There are two open seats on MSU’s Board of Trustees, with two Democratic and two Republican candidates running for election. No matter who wins, the majority of board members will be Democrats. Even if that is the case, MSU needs to be made priority.


Whitmer's views on education, jobs practical

MSU law student Kyle Haubrich said he thinks people need a choice in this year’s state Senate race in the 23rd District, which includes MSU and East Lansing. He’s right, but in the contest between Haubrich, a Republican, and state Sen. Gretchen Whitmer, D-East Lansing, going with the hometown girl is the best bet.


Students need more education about loans, debt

For the first time, student loans have surpassed credit card debt to become the No. 1 source of debt held by Americans. With a combination of fewer college graduates getting jobs and unemployment at 8.7 percent, repaying student loans six months after graduation might be difficult for most.


MSU should take an active role in drug education

More than 13 percent of MSU students reported illegally using Adderall or other unprescribed stimulants within the past year. That seems like a relatively small percentage of students, but when compared to the 93 percent increase of students nationwide abusing prescription drugs such as Adderall and Ritalin between 1993-2005, the number is much more startling.


New technologies still need responsible use

Taking five seconds to reply to a text message might not seem like a major distraction from a class, but to put it simply, it is. Laptops are an essential note-taking tool in classrooms these days, but they also tempt students to do other things that have nothing at all to do with notes or class.


Dispensary would help ease marijuana taboos

The Michigan Medical Marihuana Act, or MMMA, received 63 percent of the vote and the majority of the support of Michigan’s 83 counties back in 2008. Now, the East Lansing City Council is looking for resident input on how to deal with distributing medical marijuana to licensed patients.


University must be proactive to retain students

According to a recent study by the American Institutes for Research, Michigan college dropouts have cost taxpayers more than $251 million during a five-year span from 2003-08, and policymakers and educators think something should be done. Most everyone would agree with that assessment.


For the moment, e-books lacking in convenience

In the age of the iPad and all things digital, it only seems natural that our traditional textbooks are making their way online in the form of e-books. Open-source e-books in particular, which are free and available online for anyone to use, offer up a compelling alternative to old-school textbooks, but do they really have the potential to be a serious contender?


Breathalyzers in bars would accomplish little

Asking drinkers to check themselves before wrecking their driving record, car and lives is always an excellent idea. That must be the reason behind several area bars near the University of Illinois purchasing machines that would allow patrons to measure their Blood Alcohol Content, or BAC.