Saturday, September 28, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



When it comes to WikiLeaks, post what you feel

WikiLeaks’ recent disclosure of thousands of U.S. diplomatic cables has caused many to wonder what it all means: Why is the government hiding this information? How does its release affect the U.S.? Is it legal? Is Julian Assange a traitor?


Student action needs to find jolt of inspiration

Perhaps one of the greatest worries of our generation is that despite being at critical junctions for a multitude of important issues — climate change, health care, higher education, renewable energy, etc. — students have shown what seems to be apathy, but is probably closer to complacency.


Increased fee necessary for tattoo parlors

The same week Michigan legislators passed laws related to HIV testing, they also attempted to address the regulation of an industry that can put patrons at increased risk of contracting blood-borne pathogens. The bill, which passed in both houses, would require tattoo parlors to pay an annual fee of $500. For tattoo parlors, it means an annual increase of about $333 from the previous licensing fee­ — $500 every three years.


HIV testing law would leave out crucial elements

We’ve all taken a few tests in our time, but the HIV test is one that strikes fear into the hearts of many, even when negative. Earlier this year, the Michigan House Health Policy Committee voted unanimously to forward a piece of legislation that would change the way HIV testing is conducted in Michigan.


Reorganization can preserve program's spirit

The College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, or CANR, is planning to make some changes; changes that could take effect as early as July 2011 and could include a 25 percent cut in administrative faculty in Agriculture Hall and the Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station.


Cheaper textbooks for everyone? Yes, please

It seems as if the prayers of students have been answered. East Lansing bookstores might be stocking cheaper books at more affordable prices after the U.S. Supreme Court makes its decision concerning the legality of selling international versions of watches in the U.S.


Time to lift the veil from cost of higher education

The cost of higher education might not be such a jaw dropper when colleges begin posting a required net-price cost calculator. The federal government has given universities abut a year to post an online cost calculator to help students and their families understand the financial burden of each semester, or in some cases, the students entire academic career.


If you build it, prepare to provide justification

The show must go on, even through an economic breakdown, and MSU appears to be building a set for an unforgettable production. But it seems odd — at least to students — that there is so much construction while support services and programs are being cut.


TIme for anti-bullying laws to take precedent

Anti-harassment and cyberbullying policies could be a national standard in universities if a recently proposed bill passes. The bill was drafted, in part, as a response to the events surrounding Rutgers University freshman Tyler Clementi’s suicide. Clementi committed suicide by jumping off a bridge after his roommate broadcast his sexual encounters with over the Internet.


MSU needs to address policy on medical marijuana

MSU is lost in a cloud of smoke when it comes to figuring out how to handle medical marijuana users — and the cloud needs to cleared. According to the MSU Drug and Alcohol Policy, patients in possession of the allowable amount of medical marijuana on campus are subject to disciplinary action at the university level.


Best way to deal with Westboro? Avoid them

Today, the members of the Westboro Baptist Church plan to make East Lansing High School the next stop on their quixotic quest to force their gospel of ignorance and intolerance on all who live outside their warped perception of morality.


Improving access will benefit entrepreneurs

It seems like every other word that comes out of the mouth of every politician, economist and political pundit is business: big business, small business, business stimulus, business tax breaks. Business, business, business.


Grant helps MSU blend tradition with progress

MSU is redefining its roots with the modern “green” branding after receiving a $100,000 grant for energy audits. The grant was awarded to MSU by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Rural Energy for America Program, or REAP, and will allow the university to perform energy audits across the state, finding areas where farms and companies can save money and use more renewable or alternative forms of energy.


Bike safety training good for the community

We’ve all seen it on campus: the collision between a car and a bike. More often than not, the car wins. If the cyclist still can pedal, he or she might be able to ride or walk away with a few scratches and some sore body parts, but it’s not pretty.


Look forward to seeing 'zipsters' on campus

Playing vertical Twister on a Capital Area Transportation Authority, or CATA, bus or trucking through the snow this winter might not be the only option for getting around campus if Zipcar comes to MSU’s campus this January.