Saturday, September 28, 2024

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Coalition should diversify protest methods

It’s one thing to promote a certain message or specific agenda; it’s entirely another thing to do so effectively. The Coalition Against Sexual Violence has completely valid concerns about “rape culture” in the U.S. and at MSU.


East Lansing discrimination ordinances beneficial

In a college town inhabited mostly by young adults, it is important to provide protection for students. As many students at MSU search for houses and apartments for the upcoming academic year, city officials want students to know they are protected against housing discrimination.


Item-pricing not the boogeyman it’s made out to be

A proposed change to Michigan’s item-pricing laws boils down to choosing between jobs and consumers or businesses and money. Michigan’s Legislature should think hard about who it’s working for when considering a bill to loosen an item-pricing law that currently requires most groceries to be labeled with individual price tags.


Dismantling MSC smokestack the right move

As one wanders MSU’s sprawling campus, the MSC smokestack easily is recognizable as a prominent part of the Spartan skyline. But the $1.4 million it would cost to do vital repairs and ongoing upkeep costs just can’t be justified in light of the university’s budget woes.


Snyder’s Higher Ed proposal cause for concern

In his 2012 budget proposals, Gov. Rick Snyder wants to implement a minimum 15 percent budget cut for university funding. With a cut of more than $240 million to higher education, there only is one thing left to say: This is the last straw.


Legislators have bigger fish to fry than K2

The rehashing of a statewide ban of K2 and other cannabislike substances is more ridiculous this time around with an added ban on products marketed as bath salts. This ban, which is expected to pass with flying colors, is a “redo” of the ban accidently undone at the end of last year.


Social media can increase students’ relevance

Tweeting with a #hashtag @thesnews should be in every college student’s digital lexicon. As social media such as Twitter gain prominence, MSU students at least should have an account to stay on top of the latest in social media.


Do students a solid and change retake policy

MSU students paying thousands for an education should be able to call an occasional “mulligan” for less-than-spectacular grades. University administrators should move forward with changing MSU’s current retake policy to allow for students to repeat classes regardless of first-try grades.


Bank overdraft fees deserving of more scrutiny

A new package of laws to regulate overdraft regulations in state-chartered banks will help keep Michigan-based banks from exploiting their members. If passed, banks no longer will be able to fleece their members’ accounts and roll in the profits.