Friday, June 21, 2024



Medical marijuana laws require clarity

The medical marijuana laws in Michigan are about to get a lot less hazy. In June, a package of eight bills was introduced into the state House to address unclear issues within the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act. The act, as written, is vague and confusing to law enforcement officials as well as medical marijuana patients, so state legislators have been looking at a way to clarify the act through further legislation.


Compromise could have helped city, business

Last session, the East Lansing City Council did a great job protecting children from the dangers of alcohol. Unfortunately, no one told them that the children are already well protected in that respect. By a 3-2 vote, the council decided to deny an application that would have allowed the East Lansing BP gas station, 504 Michigan Ave., to sell packaged beer, wine and spirits.


Time for Strathmore era to come to an end

Should the city try to find a way out of or around any agreement with Strathmore Development Co. when it comes to City Center II? It’s starting to look more like the answer to that question is, “Yes.”


Tenure reform lacks effective metrics

Lawmakers and the governor are attempting to send ineffective teachers to the principal’s office, but it’s the legislators who need the time-out. Four separate bills, all approved by the state Legislature June 30, would change the tenure process for teachers in an attempt to retain more quality teachers.


Calorie information benefits consumers

In the future, consumers soon will be more aware of the health effects of late-night hamburgers and fries. As part of federal health care reform, the Food and Drug Administration is expected to create federal regulations requiring any chain restaurant with 20 or more locations to post a calorie count for their menu items.


Weakening ban makes little sense

The Michigan Dr. Ron Davis Smoke-Free Air Law is in danger of choking to death. The Smoke-Free Air Law, which went into effect over a year ago, prohibited smoking in most public areas in Michigan, including local businesses.


Punishment fits crime, doesn’t end debate

The crime of providing alcohol to minors is an important issue to address, especially in a college community such as East Lansing. No one is quite sure how to stop teens from drinking while underage. But a recent case provides an example of the costs of providing alcohol to minors.


Curb abuse with program education, new workers

The state of Michigan recently received 3.3 million more reasons to continue modifying the Bridge Card program. Last Thursday, it was announced the state was awarded $3.3 million by the U.S. Department of Agriculture for cleaning up abuses of the Bridge Card program.


Repealing helmet law not a good idea

The motorcycle equivalent of “click it or ticket” might not be around much longer. The Michigan Legislature is working toward the repeal and replacement of Michigan’s motorcycle helmet laws.


Food program great way to promote health

With the elimination of the Michigan Earned Income Tax Credit and the release of a study from the Basic Economic Security Tables for Michigan that shows minimum wage isn’t enough to live off of, low-income individuals and families have had little reason to be positive recently.


City cuts handled well, still cause for concern

Students and the fire department have a love-hate relationship: Students love it when the fire department arrives but hate that something went so wrong they had to call the fire department. Students and police traditionally have a contentious relationship because the police bust parties, and students like parties.


Budget done early, but contains flaws

It’s admirable that for the first time in years, Michigan’s budget was ready in May. Gov. Rick Snyder should be commended for following up on his campaign promise to prioritize a state budget that attacks the state’s $1.5 billion deficit. It’s not often we see follow-through on a campaign promise.


Provisions don’t belong in budget bill

What do stem cells, domestic partnerships and the state budget all have in common? Nothing, according to Gov. Rick Snyder’s legal team. Two provisions in the state budget, one that would create additional state-level oversight for stem cell research conducted by universities and another that would ask universities to eliminate health care coverage for domestic partnerships were deemed unconstitutional by the governor’s legal counsel.


Lounge outdated, still worth keeping

The Women’s Lounge inside the Union is an outdated ideal that (kind of) divides men and women. That’s no reason for it to go anywhere. The Women’s Lounge shouldn’t be eliminated because it is a piece of MSU tradition that still is in use — although those uses have evolved as times change. In addition, the options for replacing it don’t service students effectively.