Friday, June 21, 2024



State Rep’s MSU bias should lead him out

After State Rep. Bob Genetski, R-Saugatuck, was arrested for drunken driving on MSU’s campus, most people would assume he would want to stay as far away as possible from the university to avoid an appearance of bias, but that isn’t the case.


Housing change puts students in limbo

When freshmen enter college, it is a completely foreign experience unlike any other. There are the adjustments of eating in a cafeteria everyday, living away from home, doing their own cleaning and laundry, and for many students, it’s the first time they have to share a room.


Progress on CATA app invisible, unhurried

After months of meetings and developments, ASMSU has achieved little progress on its tracking mobile application for MSU students, faculty and local residents. ASMSU, MSU’s undergraduate student government, has planned to develop an app to track Capital Area Transportation Authority, or CATA, buses on mobile phones.


Bill holds businesses more accountable

A bill recently passed in Michigan demonstrates state lawmakers taking a different approach to curbing underage drinking. The new bill makes it tougher for restaurants and stores to sell to minors.


Biofuels cleaner way to help power MSU

Upon the pending approval of a bond in Delhi Township, MSU’s campus could take a small step toward a healthier and cleaner environment. Although it might not be a huge leap, this small step still is one away from continuing to burn tons of coal per day.


Cohesion with state legislators crucial

Usually, testifying in front of legislators is a sign of a job done poorly. However, MSU President Lou Anna K. Simon’s testimony in front of state legislators about concerns raised over public funding hopefully is a sign of an improving relationship between MSU and state legislators.


Despite council vote, casino still poor idea

Just a month after Lansing Mayor Virg Bernero unexpectedly announced his unlikely plans for a city casino, he is moving forward with plans that are still unlikely to come to fruition. Few expected the first announcement for the project, and even fewer expected him to move forward before receiving the necessary approvals.


Students have right to keep life private

As summer draws near, many students are in the final process of applying for internships and jobs following graduation. n the social media-driven world we live in, the job-seeking process is no longer limited to just résumés and interviews. Job applicants are facing companies who look at Facebook profiles, Twitter accounts and more to determine applicants’ candidacy for positions.


Students allowed to be fiscally cautious

Now that spring break is over, graduation is right around the corner for many MSU students. Students are looking for jobs and thinking about life outside East Lansing. Once they graduate, students are free to go anywhere, even back home. Some say graduates moving home is negative for the economy and demonstrates extreme laziness.