Monday, September 30, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Don't bet on it

Senators, representatives and the general public were right to be shocked and outraged upon learning of the Pentagon's plan to arrange a futures market dealing in terrorism. The brainchild of John Poindexter and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency would have allowed investors to basically place bets on acts of terrorism, including bombings, assassinations and coups in the Middle East.


Ill-spirited policy

It has been nearly 20 years since religious study majors received state-funded scholarships, but that practice might soon be ending. State lawmakers are finally working toward allowing religious study majors to secure their deserved amount of money, and it's about time. It is discriminatory to deny someone funding because of his or her collegiate choice of study.


Cleaning house

The Theta Delta Chi fraternity house is being fixed up by current members and alumni after it was found in disrepair in early July by East Lansing housing inspectors. It's good to see those associated with the fraternity start to clean up their act, but the repairs should have been done when things started to fall apart and before the inspectors showed up on their doorstep. Unfortunately, being in college, we no longer have our parents to clean up after us.



Telemarketers should find doing their jobs to be a hang up, as the federal government should be allowed to help protect the privacy of those who don't want their telephones ringing off the hook. Telemarketing companies are challenging the government's do-not-call list by suing it over the blockage, arguing it will lead the loss of 2 million jobs - a devastation to the industry. The Federal Trade Commission operates the service.


Balancing act

Michigan lawmakers are teaming up in an effort to make prescription drugs more affordable - a hard subject to tackle with no clear-cut solution.But as a step in the right direction the U.S.


False Insecurities

Many people in the East Lansing community were outraged last week to hear a 19-year-old female MSU student reported she was sexually assaulted while walking to her car.This week people might be just as outraged to find out she lied about the whole incident.The woman has now admitted that she was never assaulted.


Silly sentence

The nuns who broke into a Colorado missile silo and poured their blood onto the silo, covering a 300-kiloton high-alert nuclear missile, could face six to nine years in prison.


Funding fix

Creating 1,200 jobs, a world-class research facility and even more prestige for MSU's already-praised Nuclear Physics Department seems like something the state government would support.


Grand theft bike

Let's say a couple East Lansing children ride their bikes onto MSU's campus to get some ice cream from the Dairy Store.


More tests needed

Russell Weller killed 10 people in Santa Monica, Calif., by crashing his car into a pedestrian market, but no charges have been brought against him.


Worth the wait

People have been waiting in line for freedom throughout the history of the United States. And now foreign students applying for visas will be waiting a little longer because of a change in the application process. The State Department will now require all foreigners to have in-person interviews with consular officials in order to attain their student visas, instead of just completing paperwork. As long as discrimination's ugly head doesn't surface within the interviews between foreigners and U.S.


Fiscal fallout

Penny-pinching should not be considered a bad thing this fall, as state lawmakers have finally decided the fate of higher education. With the economy on a downward spiral, money is tight.


Couch Calamity

The income of the average college student generally doesn't allow for the purchase of a good porch swing.


Survey skewed

During the March 27-28, 1999 riot, 10,000 MSU students hit the streets after the men's basketball team lost in the NCAA Tournament, causing about $250,000 in damages.


Blind justice

Letting Chris Webber off with a slap on the wrist shows that the justice system failed to treat every citizen fair and equal.


Stay too Short

With the United States in conflicts against terrorism and Iraq, it's good to see our president spend time on a humanitarian mission - if only he had spent more time there. President Bush recently ended his five-day, five-country African tour in which he denounced slavery and pledged to fight AIDS and poverty in parts of the underdeveloped continent.


Driving distracting

Doing more than one thing at a time is called multitasking. Chewing gum and walking down a sidewalk, or driving a car while talking on your cell phone are some examples.


Ballot action

Democracy is the best way for the people to decide the fate of such a personal issue as affirmative action. The Sacramento, Calif.-based American Civil Rights Coalition is at work to place affirmative action's future on the Michigan ballot.


Live with lower

Lowering the legal blood-alcohol will help save both lives and funding, protecting our roads from both drunken drivers and poor road conditions. The state Senate passed legislation Thursday to decrease the legal blood-alcohol level from 0.10 to 0.08.