Monday, September 30, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!




If a student has a concern regarding the university, he or she should have a place to go for that concern to be heard.


Game on

The University of Michigan men's basketball team is finally done "doing time" for other people's crimes.


Recall Circus

The "Super Bowl of debates" among California's recall candidates was a television circus that failed to focus on politics.


'U' aren't here

Thanks to the government, you might soon be able to eat your dinner in peace. The Federal Trade Commission is continuing the crusade to legalize a national "do-not-call" registry.



At a public university that prides itself on diversity, it's about time for those with different gender identities to get the respect and protection they deserve.


Stabilizing Iraq

After a fast-paced war with Iraq, President Bush is right to address the United Nations on the importance of a well-thought-out plan to transfer power to the Iraqi people. Currently, the U.S.-appointed Iraqi Governing Council does not have the necessary authority in the country.


Future Financing

Money doesn't grow on trees, but if it did, the foliage in the forest of higher education would be quite barren.


Duking it out

Finding a fair way to deal with affirmative action is increasingly difficult when both sides are voicing opinions as loud as possible.


No excuses

MSU students might want to lock their doors, board up their windows and take cover. No, it's not a hurricane - it's yet another computer virus attack.


Time to talk it out

ASMSU representative Adam Raezler jumped the gun when speaking on behalf of MSU's undergraduate student government at the latest Association of Michigan Universities conference. As a representative for ASMSU, he informed AMU that ASMSU was considering disassociation from the organization.


Drug Education

It's no surprise that college-age people party, but it's comforting that while MSU officials encourage responsibility, students are paying attention. The Office of National Drug Control Policy released a survey Tuesday which showed 21-year-olds are the leading group of 11 million people ages 12 to 65 who have driven under the influence of drugs.


Welcome Back

When MSU President M. Peter McPherson left East Lansing to help establish a stable economy in Iraq, the university had endured one of the most tumultuous years in its history.


Variety wanted

Diversity is one of the thriving attributes of MSU's campus, and it is important for officials to keep this in mind when applications start rolling in. MSU's freshman class is expected to have a lower number of minority students than last year for the four major ethnic groups - black, Asian American and Pacific Islander, Native American and Chicano and Latino.


Weapon scare

MSU is considered to be a home away from home for many students - just ask psychology junior Nicole Baer who calls Shaw Hall her "house." There is no reason for students to arm themselves here, because like Baer, one should feel safe in their own "house." MSU ranked No.


Heading north

Residents on Abbott Road are angry about traffic congestion - they should be. There isn't room downtown to house more students, so areas such as the Northern Tier will no doubt grow, bringing more cars along for the ride.



ASMSU has been making its demands loud and clear about the revised noise ordinance, but MSU's undergraduate student government was quiet as a mouse when the controversial ordinance was in its initial stages of development. Members of the organization have failed their constituents.


Mentoring 'U'

Recognizing a problem is one thing, but if no one takes action to correct it, the problem remains. MSU has seen enrollment numbers go up among minority students, but retention numbers are still decreasing. Since the university can only do so much to keep students here, it is up to a small group of students to accomplish that task.


Boost of energy

Something has to give in order to make President Bush's new energy legislation agreeable to the vast majority.


Number game

In 1855, the state Legislature passed an law to establish the Agricultural College of the State of Michigan.


Stadium spending

Leave the six-pack on the shelf and break out the wine list - the Spartans are going upscale. The MSU Board of Trustees approved Friday a $61 million project that would upgrade Spartan Stadium.