Monday, September 30, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Silent majority

It seems as if MSU students are all talk, no walk - some stumble. Well, at least almost no voice. That's right, most of you are part of the silent majority. In an effort to offer students an opportunity to voice their concerns over the new noise policy that can lead to jail time, ASMSU hosted a forum Thursday night in Wonders Hall Kiva.


Terrible T-shirts

As an organization that values First Amendment rights to the utmost degree, it is not often that we would criticize people for exercising them.


Switching gears

MSU and The Ohio State University are getting a clean slate along with the rest of the nation's universities by taking a new look at applications and policies post-U.S.


Coming out

Outfitted in black, with education as a weapon, members of the lesbian, bisexual, gay and transgender community took to the streets this week to promote pride and understanding at MSU.


Hey Arnold

The people of California replaced Gray Davis with Arnold Schwarzenegger, the "Terminator," and will have to live with that decision. Their dissatisfaction with Davis led them to elect someone from the opposite end of the spectrum.


Ban hazing

Some people don't know when to say when. For their own safety, it's about time Michigan joined in the fight to stop hazing.


Ballot proposal

The annual East Lansing primary election is on the chopping block and we're hoping voters swing the hatchet.


Supporting 'U'

The quality of education makes quality of life in this day and age. But the federal government seems to have different expectations for the future of this generation and the nation. Future doctors, lawyers, teachers and even economists of our nation could be forced to forfeit their college degree because their goals are undermined by reductions in state funding and grants for higher education.


Valiant efforts

It is a refreshing sign of healthy activism that students are running for the East Lansing City Council.


'U' citations

The increase in underage drinking citations shows that the East Lansing police are doing their job and enforcing laws rather than allowing East Lansing residents to run wild.


Speak, listen up

ASMSU is finally stepping up its representation of students as MSU's undergraduate student government is set to host a forum to discuss the East Lansing party-noise ordinance.


No amendment

Some state legislators need a heavy dose of reality. Despite the relentless crusade for equality for members of the lesbian, bisexual, gay and transgender community, some lawmakers are trying to reverse those efforts.


Crime stoppers

While MSU should take pride that it is one of the safest schools in the Big Ten, it should recognize that crime will always happen and the university should strive to keep safety a top priority.


No pledge

The state Legislature has lofty expectations for higher education. A demand for guaranteed low tuition rates without any reciprocation in state funding is unreasonable.


Remember riots

In a transition from rebellion to responsibility, journalism senior Lindsey Prudhomme has set a positive example for MSU students.


Dynamic Duo

If anyone needs an example of Spartan spirit, they don't have to look very far. No, the person with the truest green-and-white colors isn't a student, a faculty member or even Sparty himself.


Go green

As the air turns colder and students cram for midterm exams, Spartans everywhere start to feel the green-and-white spirit flowin' in their veins.


Way to waste time

Here we go again. For the third time in the past two decades, Republicans are wasting the limited time and money of the state government with an attempt to abolish abortion and a woman's right to choose. Michigan failed in both 1996 and 1999 to have a ban placed on abortion procedures. The Republican-controlled state senate passed a bill on Tuesday with a 25-11 vote that could create the "Legal Birth Definition Act." This legislation would define birth as the point at which any part of the fetus is expelled from a woman's body. Further considerations tied to the bill include: The classification of a fetus as alive when there is a detectable heartbeat, evidence of breathing, spontaneous movement or a pulsating umbilical cord.


Sober up

Mixing alcohol and driving is always a bad cocktail. The state of Michigan is recognizing this by lowering the legal blood-alcohol content, or BAC, from .10 to .08, starting Wednesday.


We dare 'U'

The State News would like to challenge MSU students to try something new: Vote in the upcoming East Lansing elections.