Monday, September 30, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Finding fire funds

The flame quickly is dying for community fire-protection funding, and future budget cuts are threatening to completely snuff it out.


Politics 101

Reading, writing, arithmetic and conservatism. It doesn't flow as well, but if a group of Republican lawmakers get its way, it might soon be the list of standard subjects taught at higher education institutions.



Universities are going to have to do a better job making the grade when it comes to hiring minorities for head coach positions.


Payback time

A bill that would allow universities to sue former and current student athletes for fines brought against them is a good option for college athletics departments to have. The bill will allow universities to sue athletes who violate state or federal law, school regulations or athletic league rules for financial damages. Athletes who do such things "have a devastating impact on college sports," said Rep.


Mascot mishap

It looks as if the symbol of Spartan spirit might need a time out for his recent bad behavior. Last Wednesday, members from the Council of Students with Disabilities were offended when Sparty, the MSU mascot, was seen stumbling through the Union with a white cane and a referee's jersey.


Almighty dollar

Choosing whether to award yourself money doesn't sound like a tough decision, but it will be for the East Lansing City Council within the next week.



MSU fans everywhere should be proud that a certain Spartan might officially be recognized throughout the United States for his contributions in Iraq.


Studying 'U'

ISB 200. ATL 150. College Parties 101. Yes, a campus organization is living the dream job of almost every student - studying parties.


Statistical proof

The results are in. The statistics are astounding. The noise ordinance and its strict regulations are here to stay. In 2002, without the policy, 111 citations were given between Sept.


Bible Battle

Just in case Halloween and Thanksgiving aren't enough celebrations for you to look forward to during the next month, you now can get excited about adding a new observance to your calendar - Bible Week.


Always aware

It's unfortunate that as a group of educated people, we have to be told to open our eyes to detrimental issues.


Smart survey

Don't take your money to the bank - according to a recently released survey, MSU is one of the best investments a student can make.


Access for 'U'

Shel Silverstein once wrote, "Have you heard the story of tiny Melinda Mae, who ate a monstrous whale?" This line might come from a children's poem about a girl who took 89 years to eat a whale, but it easily could be correlated to the monstrous problem of disabled accessibility at MSU.


Change pledge

The higher powers of the American justice system soon will be debating the mention of a higher power in American pledges of loyalty.


Budget crunch

Hurry! Hurry! Step right up to witness the one, the only, Amazing, Shrinking Budget! Just when you thought things couldn't get worse, they did.


Hip town

Recipe for "cool" - mix East Lansing with a heaping scoop of housing, a little nightlife and a dash of class.


Learning a lesson

An apology doesn't mend every situation. The two MSU students involved in selling anti-University of Michigan T-shirts with explicit content apologized Monday for offending people but said they will continue to sell the shirts. Students should teach their peers a lesson by not purchasing the offensive apparel.


Coaching wonders

Spartan football head coach John L. Smith and his team are on their way to making comeback history - only the comeback is for much more than a game.


Jail overload

If some Michigan lawmakers have their way, students might want to save their drinking money for court fees and bail.