Monday, September 30, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



In the zone

Citizens caught in the zoning crossroads of East Lansing are taking a calculated risk - if they buy a home near a vacant commercially zoned area, a business might plant down next to them, or they might get lucky and be able to keep that warm, fuzzy neighborhood feeling.



When does progress stop and playing God begin? When South Korean researchers announced Thursday that human embryos had been successfully cloned in a laboratory, the instant ethical ramifications flared up like a Roman candle. There is no right to play God, opponents of embryo-cloning contend.


Get outta here

For a university president who seems to love his students so much, it's perplexing that President M.


Burning bills

Uh, nonsmoking please. It seems to echo in every restaurant these days. And why shouldn't it? The public shouldn't be subjected to secondhand smoke against its own will, but smokers still should be allowed to light up if they choose. But recent legislation proposed by Gov.


Trash land

No one wants trash in his or her backyard. In Michigan, we already have so much that we're skiing on it in places such as Brighton.



What the hell is a cyclotron? It's not exactly nuclear science. Oh, wait, it is nuclear science.


Bias funds

The federal government's favorite number is 77 million. When the United Nations reported in 2001 that the Earth's population was rising at a rate of 77 million people per year, President Bush cut funding to international family planning groups that provide abortions.


Lawless globe

This year in Greenville, Mich., Electrolux announced it was moving its factory, which employs 2,700 people, to Mexico.


Web addicts

Stop looking at porn. Well, maybe not entirely, but cut back. In this age of information-sharing and unrivaled technological advance, interpersonal communication is taking a hit.


Offensive food

Racial, ethnic and gender stereotypes are everywhere - some are perpetuated through ignorance, while others are blatant attacks. The recent Martin Luther King Jr.


Equal chance

Equal rights, not special rights. It's a common mantra when it comes to civil rights in America.


Izzo the Great

Tom Izzo has an edge over most MSU professors - students believe in what he says, does and thinks. Perhaps more than he'd like to admit, the word of Izzo is the gospel in East Lansing, passed down to him from the heavens by Basketball Jesus to his perch atop Breslin Center.


Today's threats

As if Americans didn't need more proof that the world is a drastically different place than it was before Sept.


Dorm outlaws

If dorm drinking is outlawed, only outlaws will drink in the dorms. That's how it's been for years, no, generations of students.


Price gougers

Tuition: $3,303. On-campus housing:$2,843. Books, coursepacks and CD extras, that may never get used: $500.


Brutal budget

If you weren't able to watch President Bush's State of the Union address last month, a revised, printform is now available.


Barrel of laws

It was one of the only bars in town that allowed the young and the old to mix - with alcohol present.


Boob tube

Parents everywhere rushed to cover their children's eyes during the Super Bowl halftime show, all because of Janet Jackson's inability keep her top on.


Home alone

All Spartans have an opinion of how things operate down in Ann Arbor during the weekend. We think they hole up in the library - false - or trudge to an anti-climactic fraternity party - true. Make no mistake, East Lansing, the Ann Arborites know how to party.


Dean's for 'U"

What have you done for us lately, Democratic presidential candidates? In the months and months ahead of rhetorical promise-making and political stumping, the list of to-dos certainly will outweigh the items crossed off as complete on the campaign checklist. It's the nature of the beast in the world of politics.