Monday, September 30, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



A year later

To live and die in Iraq. For exactly a year now, it has either been the shining example of America's relentless pursuit of terrorists or the most popular reason to hate President Bush and his administration. Congratulations? One year ago today, Bush stood before Americans and said a war against Saddam Hussein and his Republican Guard was warranted.


Keep it cool

No one is optimistically expecting enraged students wreaking havoc and igniting immense fires on Grand River Avenue during this year's March Madness.


Make room

A new Multicultural Center would be a welcome addition to MSU - everybody agrees. Students could use the space for conferences and events, while the university as a whole could continue to market MSU as an accepting, multicultural environment. While the idea is great in theory, the MSU Board of Trustees needs a cohesive and, most importantly, feasible plan from the students to get the building construction under way. The struggle for a new center has been going on for years with no results, and right now is a bleak time for students to try and propose a new building on campus.


Law for 'U'

Each year, hundreds of students walk underneath the brown, brick overhang of the MSU-DCL College of Law building to study for careers in the legal profession. Every year, those same students apply for jobs and are asked where they attended law school. And every year, when the law students answer that question, some employers invariably say, "Where?" A proposal introduced by MSU Provost Lou Anna Simon and passed by Academic Governance on Tuesday could solve that, changing the name of the law school to the Michigan State University College of Law.


'U' not for all

College isn't for everybody. Some people make meaningful careers as construction workers, paraprofessionals and mothers and fathers.


Big money

Because the MSU men's basketball team finished the Big Ten season with a 12-4 record and was the third of three conference teams selected to represent the Big Ten in the NCAA Tournament, Tom Izzo will have to switch to Kroger-brand canned peaches. In certain respects, collegiate basketball is more of a business than a sport.


Save a seat

Do East Lansing City Councilmembers believe that students hate them, or is it the other way around? Do the students not understand that MSU and its facilities account for only about 10 percent of the council's business, or is the council still not aware that students believe MSU and its facilities are the only thing keeping East Lansing from being a stoplight and a McDonald's? It seems to us that maybe MSU students and the East Lansing City Council should have a little sit-down to address the beef flying back and forth. Perhaps the students actually would learn the facts about the party-noise violations policy and stop griping.


Shady legislation

This editorial board always has believed that abortion is a choice that should be made between a woman and her doctor, not the government.



On the morning that MSU students watched airplanes flown by madmen topple the World Trade Center buildings and the Pentagon, first blush was an ugly feeling. One student watched the television, rolled into a stuffy Berkey Hall corridor and spoke, when all others were transfixed to the screen and sullenly silent. "Well," that person said.


Safe perspectives

East Lansing doesn't have a sniper lurking atop Beaumont Tower waiting to target unsuspecting students as they scurry about during the wee morning hours. While there have been some scary things taking place near campus in the last few weeks - one man died when two Lansing residents were shot on Feb.


Clean break

Spring break! Whooo! Sparty on! I've totally got mouth herpes! This week, a good number of us will be traveling for yet another spring break.


Expected ads

President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney's new campaign ads use the usual political campaign tactics: pictures of hardworking, blue-collar Americans, images of American flags, and then, maybe not surprising, images of Ground Zero and the hollowed-out area where the World Trade Center once stood.


Malicious e-mail

Hey, you. Yeah, you. Everyone knows it's you - you anonymous hacker sitting in a darkened room by yourself, rubbing your hands together evilly while plotting mass destruction through your Internet viruses. Stop it.


Sports circus

If you find piles of elephant mess around Jenison Field House, don't be alarmed and certainly don't step in it.


Up to speed

In an ideal world, everyone goes the speed limit and is a kind and courteous driver. In the real world, however, people don't go the speed limit if it's too slow, and it's pretty hard to find anyone who actually goes 35 mph on westbound Saginaw Street from Hagadorn Road to Coolidge Road.


Wrong rally

For a group of more than 1,000 strong, MSU's Graduate Employees Union is quick to respond to a call to arms.


Living & learning

Step into either Case or Holmes Halls on an average weekday, and you'll discover a place where many students living next to one another have the same classes, majors and interests.


'U' reaction

Monday's State News read, "One man is dead and another wounded after an early morning shooting at an East Lansing 7-Eleven store." It's a sentence any MSU student hopes never to read and a sentence no reporter for The State News ever wished to write.


Listen up

Students talk, but do administrators ever listen to them? Provost Lou Anna Simon held a forum Thursday supposedly to receive student feedback about her plans to restructure the liberal arts programs.


Double take

The State News would like to expound on our opinion of why instant replay in Big Ten football is a bad idea.