Monday, September 30, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Powerful pride

How much progress have we really made? Maybe 20 years ago, gender or sexual orientation was as seemingly public as it always had been since the beginning of time. Now, it's a pop culture phenomenon.


Easy payments

MSU is going to have to work out some kinks because of its decision to switch to e-billing. Starting this summer, students no longer will receive their bills in the mail.


Relax, Eco

With the Board of Trustees' proposal to spend $30 million on expanding the power plant, campus group Eco needs to get a grip. Eco is upset because the university has decided to convert from coal usage to natural gas, instead of converting to a renewable energy.



For those of you who tuned in to FOX Tuesday night to watch the final eight American Idols strut their stuff, you're very well aware that a presidential press conference replaced the show.


Foolish felony

Downloading the latest Jay-Z tune could become a federal offense if a Detroit representative gets his way. U.S.


Rice for 'U'

There are a lot of people on this campus who dislike Condoleezza Rice for her politics. There are plenty of people who disagree with her reluctance to testify these past few weeks and probably even more who just dislike her for the cold-blooded, pit bull stare.


Lost memo?

Was the intelligence "actionable" or "historical"? If you actually know the truth, by all means, share with the rest of the class.



Michigan State's debate team argued its way to first place in the national championship this month, and students on campus need to realize how cool that is. The team is basking in the glory of its win in the 58th National Debate Tournament on April 5 at Catholic University in Washington, D.C.


Not for rent

As Pinto and Flounder step inside the Delta house for the first time in "Animal House," they negotiate - among many things - drunken party goers resplendent in togas, an empty keg tossed through a glass window and empty beer bottles aimed at their heads. Granted, this is a dramatization that many homes in East Lansing consciously try to recreate on a weekly basis, but it's still a movie.


It's no secret

After the infamous Janet Jackson chest exposure on national television, suddenly Victoria's Secret wants to be a little more secretive, but its shyness isn't necessary.


Let it out!

After months of secrecy, closed-door meetings and on-the-hush debate, it finally has happened - MSU and the city of Grand Rapids have reached a compromise on how to divide the College of Human Medicine unequally between the two locations.


Wrong remedy

Several bills that would make marriage counseling mandatory before two people are allowed to wed would give the legislature authority over love. State Rep.


Candy land

ASMSU, MSU's undergraduate student government, enacted an un-ironically titled Candy Initiative on Wednesday to provide its business offices with sweets for workers and students.


Heading east

A plan to send Michigan lawmakers overseas to the Middle East will be the first step in promoting cultural understanding and economic growth between Michiganians and Arabs. Twenty-one state House members plan on traveling to Qatar and Dubai for the first of several trips to the region.


Hometown feel

East Lansing's application for a grant from Gov. Jennifer Granholm's Cool Cities initiative should be used to add unique flavor to the downtown area. The city, along with more than 100 other cities, recently applied to receive $100,000 from the initiative in order to jump-start projects to revamp the city.


Pothole haven

A wise man with impressively braided hair once said: "Like a band of gypsies we go down the highway/We're the best of friends/Insisting that the world be turnin' our way/And our way/Is on the road again." Willie Nelson probably has lived three lifetimes' worth of experience on the highway.


Costly hoax

Wisconsin detectives' search for a woman's abductor should not be criticized even if the so-called victim made him up.


Temple trouble

The Third Noble Truth of Buddhist principle tells us that suffering can be overcome, that true happiness and full contentment are not only possible, but available to those who seek it. Buddhist philosophy also tells us that life itself is suffering, and that inevitable suffering is the result of human nature, without any good or evil undertones and regardless of your level of happiness.


Bad possibilities

A recently passed law might have negative implications for the future of a woman's right to choose. President Bush signed a bill on Thursday that states it is a separate federal crime to harm or kill a fetus in the process of assaulting the mother.