Monday, September 30, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Sharing is stealing

Stealing is wrong, no matter what. Not even if you're just stealing the latest Britney Spears tune electronically - it's still stealing. The Recording Industry Association of America announced earlier this week that it will sue 69 college students across the country, out of almost 500 total offenders.


Congrats to 'U'

Excuse us. Please, give us a minute. We're not good at goodbyes. We don't need to tell you - today is officially the last day of spring classes at MSU. It's the last day of school, and Alice Cooper couldn't be prouder that school is, in fact, out for the summer.


Outdoor furniture

It's been almost a year since frustrated students had to drag their makeshift lawn furniture into their houses.


Research bucks

The Michigan Life Sciences Corridor is nearly five years old, just enough time for researchers and private industries to begin seeing the benefits of its early inception.


Tight budgets

It will be a lesson of hard knocks that every city will learn when the state Legislature hammers out what cuts will come from, well, everywhere.


Serven up

It's official. At ASMSU, MSU's undergraduate student government, the inmates finally have assumed control of the asylum. In a move that ranges from empty threat to all-out insubordination, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources Representative Bruce Serven has asked the MSU Board of Trustees to revoke university recognition of ASMSU as the official undergraduate student government.


Drafty days

If you're an MSU athlete, the day of your professional draft probably features one virtual lock.


Feedback wanted

Why break precedent if you don't have to? While the trustees did miss the first all-faculty forum in eight years, it never has been typical for the trustees to show up to an internal faculty meeting.


No preaching

In its mission statement, the MSU Residence Halls Association asserts it is "committed to continuously improving the on-campus experience at Michigan State University." In satisfying the unyielding demand for box-office movies at budget prices, RHA does a punch-up job.


Healthy waterways

Michiganians are literally surrounded by water. Living in the Great Lakes state means added tourism to recreational waterways and access to freshwater resources the rest of the world can only envy. But if we want these resources to stay clean, Michigan residents and legislators need to take action - and that's exactly what they did this past week. In honor of Earth Day, Gov.


People's voice

Should an East Lansing motorist strike an East Lansing pedestrian on an East Lansing street at an unsafe speed, it seems contrary that anyone but an East Lansing resident rectify the situation. But more and more, as East Lansing streets and others around the state increase or lower speed limits, local officials have very little to do with any modification whatsoever.


Wise exit

Even though President Bush has declared the war in Iraq over, the violence has not settled down, prompting contractors to rightfully reconsider their place in the country's reconstruction.



It is that time of year again, when nature and environment enthusiasts from across the globe unite to celebrate planet Earth.


Safety first

You know teenagers today. They're crazy. Much crazier than when we were all teenagers. They try to find ways to stay out past curfew, snag their first beer or first drug and then try to top it all off with a clumsy first venture into having sex. Those crazy, rotten teenagers.



On April 15, The State News ran an editorial titled "Relax, Eco," in which we told MSU's student environmental group to be happy that the Simon Power Plant was converting to natural gas. The group campaigned last year to get the university to consider renewable energy options, and in our editorial Thursday, we told its members to stop complaining and to see the upside of the situation.


Early risers

What's the difference between Walter Sobchak, a fictional character from the Coen brothers' 1998 film "The Big Lebowski," and Duke University? In the film, Walter knew "life does not start and stop at your convenience." When his fictional friend Donny irked him enough, Walter loudly would remind Donny of exactly that.


More talk

Spectators at an MSU Board of Trustees meeting, especially when they're 70-strong and standing shoulder to shoulder, are fairly reliable indicators of some palpable unrest in the MSU community. On Monday, The State News reported that last Friday's meeting of the university's board of trustees was peppered with jabs at administrators, a general restlessness among attendees and even "cheap shots" directed at Provost Lou Anna Simon.


Star experience

The most entertaining and exciting video game no longer is located in the dorm room or apartment. Thanks to the university's investment, MSU has access to the SOuthern Astrophysical Research Telescope , or SOAR, which tops any PlayStation or GameCube.


Bad profile

One would presume that as long as the federal government is racially profiling international students, it would at least do it correctly. Last week, The State News localized a report by The Chronicle of Higher Education that revealed that some U.S.


Great honor

It's always a positive thing when people do good things in the community and get recognized for their actions.