Monday, September 30, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Screen test

MSU is considering upgrading criminal background checks before offering employment to new faculty members.


Curing crimes

Before drug courts became a method of satellite justice to Michigan's criminal court system, the addict was known as a criminal and a disease was considered a breach of the law.


Country in crisis

After the U.S. Congress declared genocide in Sudan, the world police that is the United States is once again stuck in a tough situation, especially in lieu of the disastrous foreign-relation spectacle in Iraq. In the last 15 months, nearly 30,000 people have been slaughtered, and more than 1 million black Africans have found themselves homeless because of the conflict.


Tour de Lance

According to Lance Armstrong, the color yellow has taught him what it means to suffer. Suffering hasn't come for Armstrong in a 125-mile-long stage of the Tour de France as he chases the customary yellow jersey of the tour's pack leader.


Dems speak

Here's your microphone, John Kerry. Your people have gathered and the whole world is watching - here's your chance.


Call to prayer

Somewhere in-between the morning garbage trucks, the afternoon bustle of people running errands and midnight train whistles, Hamtramck might soon be hearing Muslim prayer calls reminding Islamic followers to worship their God. Yet, some residents have argued that there would be too much noise in the city, which has caused many homeowners in the city to complain. Church bells already are being rung in the city and don't seem to arouse much debate - possibly because it is the dominating religion or because it has been tradition. But to approve of only one kind of religion's prayer calls shows intolerance. The purpose of a prayer call is to remind believers and followers to take a few minutes out of their busy schedules and pray.


35 years of aid

The Listening Ear Crisis Intervention Center does not deserve to hand out free ice cream in celebration of their service to the MSU community.


Preventative ed

We'd like to pardon ourselves in advance for the ambiguity of the forthcoming statement, but we hope you'll bear with us to see our point out to fruition.


Celebrity justice

At the beginning of this month, former Enron CEO Kenneth Lay was indicted for fraud far too long after the collapse of his company -nearly four years ago. The stories were splattered all across the media.


Schoolyard politics

We know so much already has, and still is changing. It's hard to go through airport security in less than an hour, even harder to find food that hasn't had its genes altered, and almost impossible to find an advertisement that doesn't have sexual implications. But it's good to know, despite today's world of change, our sleazy politicians will always be sleazy. Still alive and kicking, presidential candidate and Reform Party representative Ralph Nader has been fighting to make the state ballot - and his Republican opponents are helping him. Last Thursday Nader needed to submit 30,000 signatures to qualify for the ballot, and The Michigan Republican Party alone submitted 34,000 on behalf of Nader. What's wrong with this picture? During the 2000 elections, the margin between President Bush, and Sen.


Safe at home

Relax, already. You're actually a lot safer than you think, despite what any MSU crime statistic would like to imply. Frankly, it's been a bad year to be a criminal at MSU.


In with the old

When confronted with an unattractive dilemma, the most attractive outcome might very well be the lesser of two evils.


Digital lessons

Remember your old professor - the one that had you running to class, sitting up in front, and engaged the entire lecture?


Health vs. image

There always has been a rigorous debate over the variety of popular diets of today, as well as which ones work.


Dealing justice

State Rep. Jack Brandenburg, R-Harrison Township, is right - we need to do something to deter murder.


Why here?

Ronald Reagan was born and raised in Illinois before making a name for himself in Hollywood and leaving an indelible impression on Washington, D.C.


The name game

Discussion of a name change to Lansing's Oldsmobile Park has us wondering what product the stadium will advertise next. Soon enough, Lansing residents may be referring to the 8-year-old stadium - home of the Lansing Lugnuts baseball team - as something else.


Absent threat

On Monday, opponents of same-sex marriage submitted petitions containing in excess of 475,000 signatures that support defining marriage as a union between only a man and a woman.


Running mates

John Kerry's selection of John Edwards as his vice presidential candidate makes perfect sense. Edwards fills the gaps in the ticket that Kerry leaves open, and brings more balance to the overall campaign.


Take action

Getting involved in politics is a positive move. Sitting and complaining about the presidential candidates and election issues has never been productive, but given the months left before the elections no one has an excuse for either failing to eventually vote, or shying away from getting involved with their favorite candidate's election campaign. If you love what President Bush is doing as the country's leader, like the way he's done his job and his foreign policy on terrorism, then by all means get out there and say so - support him, do whatever it takes.