Monday, September 30, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Out of bounds

When opponents and advocates of a petition against gay marriage both speak out against an Aug. 23 Michigan Board of State Canvassers' decision, you know something is seriously wrong. The petition to ratify the Michigan Marriage Amendment act was filed on time with 464,243 properly certified signatures - outstripping the required 317,757 signatures needed to put gay marriage before Michigan voters this November.


Marching on

There has always been the notion that suggests many Americans hold a nonchalant attitude about political issues.



The Republican Party has assembled the right team of speakers for its national convention. The party is poised to bring home its ideology with a prime-time lineup that includes politicians who are influential both inside and outside the party line, such as U.S.



Before reading this editorial, challenge yourself to list the criteria of a transgender person. A transgender person isn't necessarily a transvestite, for transvestites don't necessarily feel they were born as the wrong sex, but do choose to dress as such.


Battle state

When political candidates stop in Michigan as much as Sen. John Kerry and President Bush have, it's irresponsible not to go out and see them - both of them. Regardless of which political party you swear allegiance to, it's imperative to see the whole picture going into any election.


Uniting folk

The Great Lakes Folk Festival can't be labeled anything other than good. It brings world folk culture to Mid-Michigan.


Terror alert: Gold

After American swimmer Mark Spitz broke seven world records en route to his record seven gold medals at the 1972 Olympics in Munich, he was flown home to America for being Jewish in Germany.


Butting heads

When the MSU Board of Trustees had a padlock secured on their conference room doors last week in Petoskey to protect their key documents, their action was more symbolic of faculty unrest than it was indicative of a request for privacy. From the realignment of the liberal arts college last spring to last weekend's lock-up, the tension between some faculty and MSU administrators has approached a boiling point.


Wishful thinking

File sharing, while it might have started out illegally, has the potential to become legal and flourish through network services to universities, and contracts with the reformed Napster. If it can be done within the bounds of the law, file sharing doesn't present a problem. Many people were present for the illegal free-for-all downloading during the beginnings of Internet file sharing.


Kicking the habit

Ruined grades left and right, poor sleeping habits and subpar social skills - maybe Internet addiction still is a devastatingly widespread problem and not quite an absolute evil.


Legacy woes

In Monday's edition of The Contradiction Times, it was reported President George W. Bush is taking a hard line against the tradition of legacy in public universities.


Play it again

Six Saturdays a year, we treat our five senses to the unadulterated magic of college football. In East Lansing, college football Saturdays smell like someone is using sunscreen to extinguish a charcoal fire.


Closed session

When the MSU Board of Trustees closes itself away in a secret meeting at a yacht club in Petoskey and bars access to the press, it doesn't look good. It doesn't even matter what's on the table for discussion - either trivial or of vast importance - it looks underhanded and makes people distrust their elected public servants.


Campaign 'U'

Four years ago, then-presidential candidates Al Gore and George W. Bush made MSU a priority stop on their respective campaign trails.


Czarist occupation

George Bush has asked Congress to create a brand new position of National Intelligence Director that would be the main advisor on countering terrorism. This new intelligence czar would try and coordinate all of the U.S.


Primary colors

As long as there are open polls, there will be flimsy excuses for not visiting them. The lines are too long.


Up and atom

Scientists at MSU say they have discovered a new atom at the Cyclotron on campus, thusly proving for once and for all that the Cyclotron is not an amusement ride for students and run by a carny.


Drop the suit

A running contention of our bipartisan system of politics has long been the exclusion of those who lean neither right nor left.


Specific info

Instead of having the nation circling themselves wondering where, when and how another terrorist attack might arrive, Homeland Security officials said Sunday financial and international organizations in New York, New Jersey and Washington D.C.


Student shun

Last fall, a noise ordinance that hoisted hefty fines and possible jail time for party throwers really cramped some students' style.