Monday, September 30, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Stay centered

Combining the currently scattered integrative studies centers is an excellent idea, but it must be done correctly.


Drafty ideas

The Association of Michigan Universities sent the right message to lawmakers when they unanimously passed a bill that opposes a draft, or selective service act, for students.


Going green

In the future, MSU could be a very different place. According to the university's 2020 Vision plan for MSU's near future, there might be a near absence of student cars on campus, green space that would abound and parking police thankfully out of work ticketing student cars. These goals - to be initiated by 2020 - will most likely not be seen, even by MSU's youngest students.


Motor or voter

It's easy to vote. But for college students, it could be easier. Unless the numbers outside your front door are identical to the address on your driver's license, you're the victim of a voting obstacle. A raw perspective on civic duty would tell us to vote where we live and live where we vote.


In no rush

The tennis court tailgating situation at MSU ranges in opinion from vaguely problematic to the forefront of many minds, but in both cases, rushing a quick fix to the MSU Board of Trustees would be unwise. ASMSU, MSU's undergraduate student government, is technically the official student voice in college administrative proceedings, but there are times where the general student population might not share its exact views.


Moore, please

There's no better way to get out your political agenda during an election year than making yourself accessible to everyone.


Peace plane

The no-fly list is not being used as effective terrorism prevention. It is instead being used as a form of discrimination. Yusuf Islam, the singer formerly known as Cat Stevens, bore witness to that Thursday when he was denied entry into the United States from aboard a United Airlines flight to Washington, D.C.


Not so fine

A punishment is useless if it has no effect on the punished. The Federal Communications Commission imposed a $550,000 fine on Viacom Inc. on Wednesday for the brief display of Janet Jackson's breast during the Super Bowl halftime show last February. The FCC justified the fine by saying that no television show has ever received as many complaints from the American public as did the Super Bowl XXXVIII halftime show.


Take a stand

If you're worried about not having a job after college, then do something about it. If you think the economy is in the tank, do something about it.


Wise up

Problems with tailgating at the tennis courts near South Complex and elsewhere are not a new concern.


Wrong address

Addressing a council whose advice you've previously ignored is not necessarily a guaranteed method to smooth out worldly relations during an election year. President Bush spoke before the United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday about the importance of the world's role in defending the U.S.


Vote motivation might be rife with crude, sexually-explicit drawings, photos of scantily-clad women and promises of action for people who vote, but people who take the Web site too seriously need to re-evaluate why they don't think it's funny. No one is going to run home to their dorm, log onto the Web site, make a pledge to sex up other voters and dance around screaming, "I'm gonna get some" in front of their computer monitor.


Bad form

Asserting that America's enemies would prefer a particular candidate to win in order to more easily advance terrorist plans is nothing short of irresponsible. House Speaker Dennis Hastert said Saturday that al-Qaida wanted presidential candidate Sen.


Beast of burden

When the National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education gives America a collective "F" in the subject of college affordability, it creates a need for people to realize that current problems in higher education can't be reduced to just one letter. College today is hard to pay for, but there are a course-load of reasons Michigan and 36 other states flunked.


Twin mistake

Preaching to the choir isn't only a waste of time, it's an ineffective campaign tactic. Jenna and Barbara Bush spoke at the Union on Thursday to Students for Bush and College Republicans throughout the state.


Izz-oh, no way

The best way to reward student loyalty to the basketball team is by giving them the best seats based on their seniority.


Open seats

Three MSU students now have the chance to make East Lansing a more pleasant place to live. The University Student Commission, a student-oriented commission, works as a liaison to the East Lansing City Council.


No excuses

With a landmark and highly competitive presidential election coming up Nov. 2, the university's drive to get students registered to vote couldn't be called anything other than appropriate. We're a nation with a voting problem.



The 2000 election voting fiasco is bringing a well-needed change to the American voting process. Finally. On Tuesday, Nevada voters cast electronic votes for a primary using a $9.3 million voting system that allowed them to use touch-screens to cast their ballot.


Takes a village

If or when East Lansing city officials form plans to raze buildings on 36 acres of land adjacent to the Red Cedar River, students might actually pay attention this time.