Sunday, September 29, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Kerry in 2004

Here's The State News' worst-kept secret ever - we're formally endorsing Sen. John Kerry for President of the United States of America. With the wit, diplomatic skills and tact to lead our country through the next four years, Kerry represents our best choice for president. Before Kerry really got started, back when Howard Dean was a big contender, few people knew enough about him to invest their trust in him.


Vote Whitmer

She has the experience, practical skills and know-how to make important compromises on behalf of MSU in the Michigan House of Representatives and her social agenda is on par with ours.


Bombs away

Although President Bush's administration has repeatedly said the main goal of the war in Iraq is to disarm the war-torn nation, it was revealed Monday that there are 380 tons of devastating explosives missing in Iraq with whereabouts unknown. The news is startling, as the lack of information on the location of the weapons means we don't know if they have fallen into the wrong hands and used in past attacks already.


Drop the act

If a manufactured pop star's career takes a nose-dive in the middle of the forest, will anyone hear it, or much less care? It was a shame to watch Saturday Night Live this weekend and see someone who proclaims to be a singer miming on a live show.


Vote Rogers

He might not have run an intensive campaign, he might have stars in his eyes of larger political aspirations and, well, we might even disagree with some of his politics, but, by and large, Representative Mike Rogers, R-Brighton, is still the best choice to represent you in the House of Representatives. In the race for the 8th District Congressional seat - who represents you in the Washington, D.C.


Owning up

A dangerous threat to actual survivors of rape and sexual assault are those who falsely report the crime.



All right. We aren't going to get into the middle of sports' greatest rivalry. We aren't even located anywhere near Boston or New York, and there are maybe two staff members here that were born or raised on the East Coast.


Baby steps

Student renters scored a small victory midnight on Tuesday when the moratorium on banning new rental licenses in East Lansing expired without renewal.


Sure bet

A common reaction to perceived governmental intrusion action is "N.I.M.B.Y." - Not in my back yard.


Side by side

Editor's note: Today's edition concludes our issue-based editorials regarding key platforms of the presidential campaign.



The gloves were off Friday on CNN's "Crossfire." In one corner was political analyst and uptight conservative Tucker Carlson.


Worldly friend

We've raked MSU President M. Peter McPherson's name and persona through the mud before in print, on The State News Live - Fridays at 7 p.m.


Vote no on '2'

No matter how you view it, Proposal 2 will be a key issue on the Michigan ballot on Nov. 2. The State News has always spoken out strongly against any measure which would eliminate basic rights for any group in our country.



Second down and the first down marker is seven yards away. Sophomore quarterback Drew Stanton takes the snap from center, rolls left, tucks the ball and hits a wide hole plowed clear by his offensive line.


Gopher broke

When the Spartans walked away from Saturday's homecoming game with a blowout 51-17 win against formerly-ranked Minnesota, a lot of people wondered: "Where did this team come from?" Plain and simple, MSU played well and Minnesota didn't.


Taking charge

Kudos to the university for finally drawing up a plan to address the concern for this year's numerous sexual assaults on campus.


Mystery men

The debates may be done, but both presidential candidates have yet to thoroughly address their higher education plans.


Time's up

In Chicago, fans of the Cubs have a fun way of dealing with their overwhelming grief and disappointment.


Ignore this

Communication problems between MSU's administration and faculty have become a highly visible national issue.


Side by side

Editor's note: Each Wednesday, The State News editorial board will address a key issue of the presidential campaign.