Saturday, September 21, 2024

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Students shouldn’t pay for internships

Internships during college can provide quality, real-world experience for students before they enter their field after graduation, but making students pay for their internship credits is discouraging and costly. A committee within ASMSU, MSU’s undergraduate student government, is looking into certain colleges’ requirement of students to pay for credit hours at a higher cost than the university spends to provide resources to students during their internships.


Women’s lounge divides students

As a first-year student at Michigan State, my exploration of all that campus has to offer is far from over. However, as I’ve made my way through the many landmarks, as a female I was surprised to discover the women’s lounge in the Union.


Super Bowl ad shows failure of leadership

Super Bowl commercials usually get talked about just as much as the actual game does. Most are funny, and a few make viewers think, but this year one politician’s racist commercial made viewers wonder if they heard correctly.


Pipeline goes beyond partisanship

Our government recently had an opportunity to take a small step toward energy independence. Building the Keystone Pipeline would have allowed oil from Alberta, Canada to be transported down to the Gulf of Mexico.


“Redskins” moniker inappropriate

Sitting in the Meridian Mall food court the other day sipping an iced tea, I witnessed a conversation between a group of middle-aged men discussing the Super Bowl and the case for the 1991 Washington Redskins being the greatest team in Super Bowl history.


Adderall more than “study drug”

As someone who has been taking Adderall for a while, I am offended by people who use the drug just to “get through exams” and by people who believe that is all the drug is used for.


Funds shouldn’t come from fans

Kudos to the State News for shining the spotlight on the recent announcement to raise football ticket prices for the 2012 season and to athletics director Mark Hollis for seizing the opportunity to capitalize on what appears to be the most attractive home football schedule in years.


Recent protests lack clear plan

With all the articles swirling around protests in the State News these days, I couldn’t help but notice the similarities among my fellow opinion writers but that got me thinking about the similarities between the protests of MSU Greenpeace, Occupy Wall Street, the online protests, and the Tea Party movement.