Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Educators need regular testing

Before Michigan teachers head to the classroom they are tested in a basic skills area and their academic specialty, but for the rest of their careers they never again have to demonstrate even the most basic understanding of their field.


Put out smoke proposal

I don’t smoke, nor do I find any interest in doing so. I tried it once for a two-week period during my sophomore year of college, but quit because it didn’t do it for me and I found that my workout sessions weren’t as prevalent since my lungs were less capable of doing their duties.


Dont let semester blues get U down

Everywhere I go, problems and stress are pouring out of people’s conversations and sizzling on the sidewalks, heating up everyone else that walks over them. Around this time of year it seems like everything is coming down on everyone, at least from the conversations I’ve been a part of or overheard in random places.


Racial discrimination is part of scholarship process

All too often, issues involving racial discrimination focus on theoretical or historical premises. Members of differing racial and ideological factions throw statistics at each other in attempts to convince their opponents and those undecided on certain issues to join their side.


Letter failed to discredit column

Stephen Bouren’s arguments (“Men should not take all blame,” SN 10/18) in response to Jessi Phillips’ recent column (“Women should think twice about marriage,” 10/16) fell short of disproving Phillips’ claims about the division of labor in the average American marriage. “Loving fathers everywhere” can rest assured that when Phillips states, “Most men do not share equal responsibility when it comes to taking care of their children,” she is not questioning their affections, but rather stating a fact.


Proposal 2

Proposal 2 has a strong concept behind it - but suffers from poor execution. Voters should turn it down and it should be reintroduced later when its purpose, wording and impact are clear.


Column on Middle East was biased

I am writing to tell you that Rishi Kundi’s column about the Middle East is extremely biased against Palestinians (“Columnist enlightens ‘U’ about Middle East crisis,” SN 10/18) and to inform him why the Palestinians are so angry.


Keg proposal agitates reader

I am writing in response to a State News article (“Proposed bill suggests new keg regulations,” SN 10/18). I’m glad that our elected officials have nothing better to do than try and regulate the weekend activities of college students.


Palestinians given little voice in American press

As the American media has once again openly sided with the forces of oppression and occupation, little room is given to the voices of the Palestinian people whose “Intifada” is an act of united national liberation against a brutal military occupation.


Proposal 1

The passage of Proposal 1 would be the beginning of a downward spiral in the fate of public schools.Voters should soundly reject it.Proposal 1 would repeal a 1970 constitutional amendment outlawing public funding of religious schools.


Proposal cartoon was offensive

The editorial cartoon that appeared in The State News on Oct. 10 was appalling to me. The Christian crucifix is a sacred and traditional symbol of Christian believers.


Pay the price

The Shaw Hall Black Caucus should have signed the proposal that would have allocated RHA funds to its hall.


Team competition should be removed in spirit of Olympic Games

The Olympics have ended? Good riddance. It was the worst, most un-Olympian, overcrowded, violated, professionalized and poorly reported and televised Olympics ever. A few weeks before the Games I purchased an antenna for my old television to ensure better reception of NBC in my downtown Lansing apartment building.


Debate causes reader to respond

After watching the final debate and reading a letter to the editor in Wednesday’s State News in favor of Vice President Al Gore (“Bush will increase the national debt,” SN 10/18), I feel compelled to give some facts that I picked up on.


Native Americans were not weak

In his letter (“Columbus Day is important to all,” SN 10/17) Brandon Whitbread “objectively” stated that Native Americans were weak and Europeans were strong.


U-M columnists view was ignorant

When I first finished reading Erin McQuinn’ s column in the Michigan Daily, “A Weekend in East Lansing makes me appreciate A2,” my initial feelings were those of contempt and animosity.


Name should have been withheld

In Wednesday’s edition of The State News, MSU President M. Peter McPherson “expressed his concerns” regarding a recent political cartoon depicting public schools on a cross labeled “Proposal 1.” McPherson claims that he reserves the right to comment, not so much as president, but as a member of the community.