Saturday, September 7, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



SN endorses:

Democrat Dorothy Gonzales and Republican Scott Romney have the energy and experience to be efficient members of MSU’s Board of Trustees.


Domestic problems

Until recently, I thought that the weirdest thing about coming of age was getting used to the term “woman.” Worse than when I am called “ma’am,” is being 20 years old and described as a woman.


Please listen to your conscience

Since as far back as I can remember, my parents have preached many concepts to me, some of which were never waste any food on my plate and share as much as possible with the less fortunate.


Policy rules

University Committee on Student Affairs and ASMSU should be commended for its involvement in creating a new riot policy, which should be adopted by the university as soon as possible.The existing policy, established after the March 27-28, 1999, riot, allows university officials to punish students who partake in any uprising, whether it be on campus or off.


SN endorses:

Voters in the 8th Congressional District should choose U.S. Rep. Debbie Stabenow for the U.S. Senate over her opponent, U.S.


Reparations are not worth a dime

I have always been aware of the extremely complex and sensitive nature of race relations in America, I was reminded of this after talking to a political activist at the Union Activities Board when I attended a group viewing of the presidential debate. Then, somehow we started talking about how biased history books are in misrepresenting the role of women and minorities.


Police presence was offensive

I am a white guy who attended the Black Power Rally on Friday night at the Auditorium. What a great event this turned out to be: Live rapping, African dance and poetry were just a few of the performances there to be experienced.


Professionals ruin Olympic Games

Charles Fraser makes some good points in his column (“Team competition should be removed in spirit of Olympic Games,” SN 10/19), especially about the need to reestablish amateurism as a guiding principle in the Olympics. However, it’s not just professionals in team sports that have corrupted the Olympic amateur ideal.


Scholarships bring discrimination

This letter is in support of the important and poignant column by John LaFleur printed Monday (Racial discrimination is part of scholarship process, SN 10/23). I regret that LaFleur had to bear the weight of this gross injustice, but I am quite appreciative of his desire to share it with The State News readership. I have felt for a long time that collegiate admission and scholarship qualification is rife with reverse discrimination.


Basketball ticket sales bother U

At a university where students will riot after a Final Four game, who in their right minds think that a thousand people will form an orderly line at the stroke of midnight?


U-M column was mindless babble

I have recently read a column out of The Michigan Daily that was brought to my attention by a separate column in The State News (“Daily columnist casts shame on Maize and Blue,” SN 10/13). Now, I know that I am a mere shikse from MSU, but I too would like to express my opinion just as boldly as Erin McQuinn did. When I first set eyes upon the stirring article, “A Weekend in East Lansing makes me appreciate A2,” my feeble, high school-like mind-set was intrigued.


SN endorses:

Voters in the 8th Congressional District should choose state Sen. Dianne Byrum, D-Onondaga, over her opponent, state Sen.


Educators need regular testing

Before Michigan teachers head to the classroom they are tested in a basic skills area and their academic specialty, but for the rest of their careers they never again have to demonstrate even the most basic understanding of their field.