Saturday, September 7, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Dont forget about other third parties

With all the discussion of presidential candidates in The State News during the past few days, I think it is worth mentioning a third-party presidential candidate who has not been the subject of much media attention - Howard Phillips of the Constitution Party. Phillips is the only 100 percent pro-life candidate on the ballot.


Rogers has made voting difficult

I had the opportunity to meet state Sen. Mike Rogers. He was a guest speaker in my PLS 324 class and he came in and introduced himself and began speaking to our class on the current state of politics and the direction in which our country is headed.


Cultural criticism sparks reflection on ones being

Events have a way of clustering in order to force you to consider certain issues. Two weeks ago, I wrote a column explaining some points of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, and within days I was swamped with letters saying, among other things, that I should refrain from writing about any international conflict that didn’t involve India.


Cartoon shouldnt mock U gridders

I am writing in regard to the editorial cartoon in Thursday’s State News. It was a picture of a broken-down bus representing the MSU football team, with “Victory” written above the windshield.


Ticket letter made weak argument

This letter is in response to the letter written by Tim Vanecek in Tuesday’s State News (“Basketball ticket sales bother ‘U’,” SN 10/24). Your comment that you hope the girl who was injured “recovers quickly, then finds a good lawyer” is an example of everything that is wrong with America today.


Writer missed police presence

I am responding to Charles McHugh’s letter on the MSU police (“Police presence was offensive,” SN 10/25). I am disappointed that such a high ranking member of this fine university should be so blind as to miss the police officers that were all around the Auditorium for both the Ralph Nader rally and the MSNBC television show “Hardball with Chris Matthews.” They were present at both events just as they are for all major events that occur at the Auditorium or any other major meeting place for students, faculty and the general public. I am also saddened by his implying that MSU police are racist, which is unfounded, especially in light that the Department of Police and Public Safety is one of the most diverse and friendliest departments I have ever had the pleasure to interact with in my time in the Lansing area or any other community I have lived in.


SN should have endorsed Rogers

I was troubled recently to read of the State News endorsement of U.S. House of Representatives candidate Dianne Byrum (SN10/24). I think that if the paper had really investigated Mike Rogers, it would have immediately known that he was the man for the job. While Byrum’s every policy follows the Democratic Party’s platform down to the very letter, Roger’s ideas show his qualifications to be this district’s representative. Rogers is not a career politician.


Absolute law

A bill signed by President Clinton last week is a small step toward the prevention of alcohol-related traffic deaths.


Discrimination is not a problem

I am writing in response to the recent opinions expressing opposition to minority scholarships. Before I came to East Lansing for graduate school, the conventional wisdom of my white friends was that past discrimination against minorities had been replaced in recent years by “reverse discrimination” against white males.


Governments bother smokers

I read the article “Tobacco-related deaths likely to increase in Africa,” (SN 10/24) and I have no problem with what was written, but with the ideas behind it.


Voters should go to polls in droves

The election tragedy: Who’s going to win, the Republicans or the Democrats? If you’re like the vast majority of Americans these days you’re not entirely happy with either choice for president, in this case Texas Gov.


SN endorses:

Vice President Al Gore is the right choice for America’s future. Voters should elect him Nov.


SN should rethink choice in comics

You know, I have a lot of tolerance for the cartoon page of our beloved State News. I even still mourn the loss of “Serious World” and “Fetus-X.” However, I have had enough.


Affirmative action discriminates

While it is regrettable that John LaFleur was unable to receive the scholarship offered him by Florida State University, this incident exemplifies the inherent dilemma in affirmative action - giving scholarships and letters of acceptance to less qualified minority members requires that more qualified majority members are left out.


Caucus made a good decision

This is a response to the State News’ editorial “Pay the price,” (SN 10/18). Speaking of “should,” Shaw Hall Senate “should” have left well enough alone.