Saturday, September 7, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



U shouldnt cut mens athletics

MSU is a member of the prestigious Big Ten Conference. It is an embarrassment that our institution must resort to cutting men’s programs. Title IX was established to “promote gender equity in athletics,” to ensure female athletes the same opportunities as males.


U cant cheer for other colleges

I am writing in response to James Jahnke’s column about his Ohio State Buckeye loyalties (“It’s OK to be a huge Buckeyes fan in East Lansing,” SN 11/2). I have just four words for you, sir: Give me a break.


Do not purchase subscriptions

I wasn’t surprised to read Amanda Smith’s letter on the scamming magazine men from New River Subscription Services (“Scheme bothers hall residents,” SN 10/26). You see, I, too, was a scammed freshman.


Alaskas Proposal 5 blows smoke in governments face

If it passes or goes up in smoke, a proposal on the Alaskan ballot will plant a seed in the minds of Alaskan voters - challenging their positions on the use of an illegal substance. Alaskan voters will decide Tuesday whether to prohibit state enforcement of marijuana laws.


U build blocs

One vote does matter - and this year more than ever. This year’s presidential election is unpredictable, and in addition, many local and statewide races are close.


Political system needs new parties

I don’t support Ralph Nader, but I do believe that this country needs a third party. In order for a democracy to flourish there needs to be a battle of ideas, something that a third party and Nader provides, and they should be commended for their work. Will Nader cost Vice President Al Gore the election?


General classes are necessary

I’m writing in response to Erin Yerke’s whining and complaining (“Amid its successes, ‘U’ must reflect on failures,” SN 10/31). If she hasn’t learned by now, in this life, we will have to do things that we would rather not do.



MSU groups should limit the number of non-MSU students at events with a history of violence, but it should not completely restrict the events to MSU students only.


Dont go ballistic

Imagine some fine day, a wicked rogue state such as North Korea or Iraq becomes fed up with the United States, and, in a suicidal fit of rage, decides to launch ballistic missiles at the country.


Proposal 1 letter missed on point

In Jennifer Gabel’s letter (“Educators need regular testing,” SN 10/24) she makes a very good argument: support Proposal 1 because it requires teacher testing every year.


SN endorses:

Complete analysis of all the endorsed candidates. For the presidential election, The State News endorses Vice President Al Gore, a Democrat.


Some security

The city of East Lansing should continue supporting students in off-campus housing conflicts. The city recently supported five residents of 442 Grove St.