Saturday, September 7, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Football letter missed point

This is in response to Steve Milkiewicz’s letter (“Football is not a leading killer,” SN 11/7). Steve, I think you need to look a little deeper into Greg Brown’s article about football as a national killer of children.


Football teaches life lessons

This letter is in response to Greg Brown’s letter about high school football (“Football is killing country’s youth,” SN 11/6). While Brown is entitled to his opinion, I would like to offer my side of the argument in this, the season of political propaganda. Unfortunate incidences happen in all areas of life - work, play and even academics.


Too close

Tuesday’s presidential election will be remembered as a watershed moment for the electoral process, changing the way voters and the media look at American politics. Because of the tightness of the race, neither of the major presidential candidates, Vice President Al Gore and Texas Gov.


Fuzzy race was exciting

The political pundits were left guessing throughout Election Day as the story of the next president unfolded. The political buzz on campus was much of the same.


Footballs dangers are understood

First of all Greg Brown, it is well understood that football is a dangerous sport. All athletes are required to sign permission forms saying that they do realize this before setting foot on the field.


U should not forget about campus little pleasures

For the first time in my more than three and a half years at MSU, I went down to the Red Cedar River to feed the ducks. This isn’t something I would normally do, but my friend’s 4-year-old daughter was here for the weekend, and with the choice of watching MSU get slaughtered in a football game or feeding the ducks, I chose the latter. My roommate and I made some popcorn, grabbed a bag of hamburger buns and were on our way.


Black event lacks campus diversity

Recently I was offended by a flier that was hanging on the kiosk in the Union. The kiosk is right in front of the building’s post office. I was waiting in line Monday to purchase a stamp to send something overseas.



A State News editorial cartoon (SN 11/7), was incorrect. Though blacks were guaranteed voting rights in 1965 by the Civil Rights Act, they won the right to vote in 1870.


Cought it up

A verdict by a federal circuit court judge may provide Florida smokers with a breath of fresh air, but the $145 billion verdict against Big Tobacco is still an unreasonable amount to pay.Judge Robert Kaye said the award did not violate Florida law that prevents a punitive verdict from bankrupting a defendant.


Napster bytes

Napster should not have bedded down with the recording industry. Last week Napster joined up with Bertelsmann AG, a multimedia conglomerate and the parent company of BMG Music, to turn its Internet music-sharing site into a paid subscription service.


All people should attend U events

I am writing in response to a State News article (“Groups seek to limit attendance,” SN 11/1). I think it is a very bad idea to limit parties and activities to MSU students only.