Monday, September 16, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Reefer review

The Supreme Court will have to roll up its sleeves and decide whether proponents of medical marijuana have legitimate claims or are just blowing smoke.


City police do not patrol stadium

I am responding to Noah Babcock’s letter regarding an East Lansing police officer “giving the ‘Hail Hitler’ salute” at the MSU-Purdue football game (“Police insult ‘U’ at football game,” SN 11/15). It should be noted that East Lansing officers do not work inside the stadium during the games.


SN should stick to less popular music

I am writing in response to Dallas Smoke’s letter to the editor (“Paper reviews unpopular music,” SN 11/28). Smoke claims The State News is doing a disservice to him and other pop music fans by not having a review of the Backstreet Boys’ new album, “Black & Blue” in the Nov.


Paper reviews unpopular music

I would like to voice my displeasure with the CDs that the MS&U section chose to review Wednesday (“‘Grinch’ updates classic,” “Manson stresses music over shock” and “Blink-182 brings back punk with live album,” SN 11/22). Choosing not to review the Backstreet Boys’ newest CD, “Black & Blue,” is not only unprofessional, but also an insult to pop music fans everywhere.


A long haul

Last week’s end of a 16-year grape boycott represents a victory for migrant workers and for the many protesters who have fought to raise awareness about dangerous pesticides.The boycott of California table grapes was orchestrated in 1984 by United Farm Workers’ co-founder Cesar Chavez to bring attention to the low wages and working conditions of farm workers who were often exposed to dangerous pesticides.


Spartan athletes cant make games

I am a member of the student-athlete population at MSU. I am writing regarding season tickets for men’s basketball games. Season basketball tickets are open to the student population on a priority basis.



Vice President Al Gore should concede despite the narrow margin of his defeat. Both Gore and Texas Gov.


Teacher misguided readers with view

In response to Ben Hartnell’s letter (“Bush is winner in lengthy series,” SN 11/20), I have to say I hope to expect more out of my future children’s history teachers than what Hartnell displayed in his very inaccurate and entirely negative portrayal of the U.S.


U must learn voting procedure

I was watching the news and saw yet another student complaining about how she had to go to several different places before she figured out where she could vote.


Vegetarians deal with turkeys in their family, dinner

Is Thanksgiving still Thanksgiving without the turkey? Trust me, it is. My turkey-free diet is always a source of fascination, but is under even more scrupulous examination during the holidays, when I am the only one without a piece of the roast beast on my dinner plate.


Be thankful

More than 350 years ago, the first Thanksgiving was celebrated by pilgrims at the Plymouth colony in present-day Massachusetts.