Monday, September 16, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Month not only about Christmas

I am writing in response to John LaFleur’s column (“Retailers sold out Christmas to be politically correct,” SN 11/30). LaFleur seems to think Christmas was the original reason people have a celebration at the end of December.


Reader changes mind on columnist

It is with much chagrin I admit to anybody now that not two months ago I vehemently supported and endorsed John LaFleur (“Scholarships bring discrimination,” SN 10/25) after his column concerning reverse discrimination in education and academia (“Racial discrimination is part of scholarship process,” SN 10/23). After reading what could only be called bigoted zealot tripe, I now wish I had known LaFleur’s true nature as a brainwashed fundamentalist months ago. In his recent opinion column, LaFleur launches into a rabid fury of Jew, black and pagan bashing (“Retailers sold out Christmas to be politically correct,” SN 11/30). His disgusting belittlement of Hanukkah’s worthiness to stand in the same month as Christmas is mind-boggling.


Nader supporter proud of vote

I voted for Ralph Nader in the presidential election. There are many liberals who say my vote was either wasted or spoiled the election for Vice President Al Gore.


Failing U

The number of nontenured faculty members may be high at MSU, but the university is not to blame. The Coalition on the Academic Workforce recently released a report that found nontenured track, or part-time, instructors make up nearly half of the instructors in many humanities and social science classes. For this academic year, MSU employed 741 part-time faculty members and 1,977 tenured faculty.


Book bargain

ASMSU’s textbook tax elimination proposition could be a small benefit to college students, but the organization should not make it its top priority.


Gore should not concede election

I very rarely disagree with “Our Voice.” However, I must disagree with the opinion that Vice President Al Gore should concede ( “Recountdown,” SN 11/27). Under no circumstances should he even think about conceding.


Reader is sick of Backstreet Boys

I feel both the need and obligation to respond to Dallas Smoke’s letter, (Paper reviews unpopular music” SN 11/28). Let me start by quickly defending the CDs that did not please Smoke.


Article brought needed attention

I am writing in response to Vincent Estes’ article (“Tenured faculty members dwindle,” SN 11/29). Estes’ report rightly identifies a very serious problem besetting higher education: the increased use of part-time, temporary and graduate student instructors. It should be made clear that this university cost-cutting measure not only serves students and part-time and temporary faculty poorly, it also has a long-term function of degrading the increasingly limited and besieged position of tenure-stream faculty.


SN should review unfamiliar music

I am writing in response to the letter concerning CD reviewing choices by The State News (“Paper reviews unpopular music,” SN 1128). I would like to thank The State News for not wasting an album review on a boy band whose CD could very easily be predicted as being the same crap it has previously released.


Please read: Dont include subjects with e-mails

E-mail savvy computer nerds, Webmasters and people who have read “E-mail for Dummies” can relate to one another when faced with one problem-filled component of e-mail - the subject line. Usually, a short phrase or word to describe the overall mood of a message gave Web surfers an opportunity to say, well, the subject of the e-mail.


Paper broadens readers horizons

I would like to defend The State News for trying to let readers know about types of music other than Britney Spears, N’Sync, Backstreet Boys and the host of other “artists” cashing in on teenagers with money to spend.


Off the mark

A proposed concealed weapons bill in the state Legislature is way off target. New legislation debated Tuesday in the state House would make it easier to obtain an unrestricted concealed weapons permit in Michigan.


GOP candidate promises lies

Three of Texas Gov. George W. Bush’s primary campaign slogans were: “I trust people, while my opponent trusts government,” “Government should not get involved in local matters” and “Honesty and integrity are on the ballot and my opponent doesn’t have either.” Well, I guess he trusts individuals, except for those individuals in southeast Florida.


Other papers can cover boy bands

I would like to voice my displeasure about Dallas Smoke’s letter (“Paper reviews unpopular music,” SN 11/28). My first question is, do you really need a review of the new Backstreet Boys album?


SN right for not reviewing CD

This letter is in response to one written by Dallas Smoke and published in The State News on Tuesday (“Paper reviews unpopular music,” SN 11/28). The State News should be commended for choosing to review music that is not widely popular or does not receive the attention in the national press that it deserves.