Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Administrations action atrocious

To the administrators of MSU: Congratulations on a job well done. Thanks to your superb actions, MSU students will have the freedom to continue wearing MSU apparel manufactured by the wondrous institution of sweatshop labor.


Scandal over

While the punishment given to former President Bill Clinton in a deal with the independent counsel was minimal, it is good the nation can finally put the scandals of the Clinton presidency behind it. Clinton struck a deal with independent counsel Robert Ray on Friday, the last full day of his presidency, ending any possibility of criminal prosecution against him.


Christ deserves day off like MLK

Here at MSU we have received the second Monday of spring semester off for three years to honor Martin Luther King Jr., but not once since I’ve been here have we received one day off to honor Jesus Christ, probably the most important civil rights leader of all time.


Hands off

ASMSU should not take editorial control of MSU’s yearbook - no matter how good its intentions are. On Tuesday, ASMSU’s policy committee rejected a bill that would give the yearbook advisory committee and the ASMSU Student Assembly editorial control over the Red Cedar Log.


Courage should be theme on MLK Day

In some ways I have come to dread the traditional Martin Luther King Jr. holiday activities, the same old events, the same old types of speeches and the same kind of people making the speeches.


Problems of safety belt law overlooked

This letter is in response to the article “State seat belt laws proving productive” (SN 1/18). The recent law that allows police officers to stop and ticket drivers for not wearing a safety belt has been praised for increasing seat belt usage among Michigan drivers.


Same old U.S. politics needs wet n wild solution

It’s been a long time since I was fully satisfied with someone elected into office. Oftentimes, I feel like it is the same person, just wearing a variation of the same suit or claiming a different political party affiliation.In our last and probably most controversial election, George W.


Wrong move

The National Collegiate Athletic Association should not allow high school athletes to play professional sports and then return to college.On Jan.


System teaches problem solving

I have to disagree with Mark Pulver’s view of the new community standards and resident mentor system (”Dorm standards need discipline,” SN 1/17). I also am living in the dorms for a fourth year now, but I feel the mentor system is a vast step in the right direction.


Drug excuses responsibility

This is in response to the editorial (“Our Voice” SN 1/16) expressing the opinion that the morning-after pill should be made an over-the-counter drug. Once again, Americans are trying to finding an easier way to not take responsibilities for their actions.


Mentors need to make U better

As this year draws nearer to a close, I find myself reflecting more and more. This is my fourth year here at MSU, and my second year serving the community as a senior mentor.


Americans can idolize King, not protest like him

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would bellow words eloquent and provocative if he knew now, in this American political climate, that his birthday is celebrated as a token gesture of “diversity,” or whatever Band-Aid platitude politicians like to slap on our diseased society. Yes, lauding King is preferable to saluting somebody like murderous imperialist Christopher Columbus and yes, Monday’s celebrations did enliven many citizens but there is a catch to King’s day and the American interpretation of his legacy. Americans can celebrate King but our totalitarian society forcibly limits our involvement with King’s philosophy to idolatry.


Dorm standards need discipline

I agree with Michonne L. Omo’s view on the community standards and resident mentor system (“Dorm standards should be higher for all,” SN 1/16). This is my fourth year in the dorms, and as far as my living situation is concerned, the worst.


Cigarettes harm more than smoker

Nicole Winton’s column on Thursday expressed the most selfish argument I have ever heard for pro-smokers (“Cigarettes are a choice, not morality issue,” SN 1/11). Everyone knows the harmful effects smoking has on the body.


Day of honor

The university should continue to give students the day off to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day.In 1999, the university canceled classes for the first time on the holiday, beginning a three year trial period.