Wednesday, September 18, 2024

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Jackson cartoon was degrading

I really see why Martin Luther King Jr. dared to dream what he did. I can’t even describe how I feel every time I read a book, a paper or see someone on television who insists on promoting stereotypes about my people and/or maintaining them. In Wednesday’s State News, the Rev.


Columnist was highly offensive

I usually manage to stomach the uniformly liberal editorials on The State News’ Opinion Page, but I found Brian Emerson Jones’s column (“Bush’s appointees enforce his ‘magical myth,’” SN 1/24) on Bush’s cabinet appointments to be especially offensive. Jones rails against the ostensible diversity of the Cabinet while attacking the politically incorrect views of Bush and his nominees.


Christ did exist, Bible proves it

I am writing in response to Brian Selewski’s letter “Christ’s beliefs not felt by all” (SN 1/23). Obviously, he has never taken a history class in his entire life, or he would realize much of our evidence from 2,000 years ago comes from the Bible itself. I don’t see why he finds it hard to believe in a man who lived 2,000 years ago - does he find it hard to believe Homer, Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great, Cleopatra or Aristotle existed?


Assaults usually cause injuries

This letter is in response to Jeremy W. Steele’s article “Woman sexually attacked on campus” (SN 1/23). In the article, there was a comment by the police: “She was not injured.” Why would the MSU police make such a statement if this woman was sexually assaulted?


Teaching U

Students have the right to know the course material and teaching style of their professor from the first day of class.A group of about 20 students filed a formal grievance regarding their Religion 205, Myth, Self and Religion class.


Good Friday can be celebrated

I am writing in response to Eric Bjornstad’s letter about having a day off in honor of Jesus Christ (“Christ deserves day off like MLK,” SN 1/22). The last time I checked, this was a public university, not a private one.


Christ does have universal holiday

After reading Eric Bjornstad’s somewhat perplexing letter (“Christ deserves day off like MLK,” SN 1/22) concerning the presence of a university holiday celebrating Martin Luther King Jr., but the lack of a holiday celebrating the “original civil rights” leader Jesus Christ, I could only think of this to say: Dude, what are you thinking? Call me daft, but I do not understand the rationale that Dec.


Ashcrofts record speaks for itself

John Ashcroft shouldn’t have to defend himself against attacks of racial profiling. His track record speaks loudly that despite race or political lines, his purpose is to protect the innocent and punish the guilty. Why then did he vote against Judge Ronnie White in his promotion to lifetime federal judgeship?


Safe living

The university’s decision to install peepholes in residence halls is a good move toward improving safety conditions for on-campus residents. The Residence Halls Association proposed a bill to install peepholes in all residence halls.


Kings holiday important to all

This is in response to the letters about Martin Luther King Jr. Day and “Christ deserves a day off like MLK” (SN 1/22). We already have two honoring Christ - Christmas and Easter.


Servicing U

The Michigan Transportation Committee should be applauded for its approval of a subsidy to keep Amtrak service in East Lansing.A $5.7 million subsidy to Amtrak was approved to keep the East Lansing stop in the Chicago-to-Toronto route for the 2001-02 fiscal year.


Christs beliefs not felt by all

This is a response to “Christ deserves day off like MLK” (SN 1/22). To Eric Bjornstad, I can’t believe one person preaching about civil liberties could be so inconsiderate to others.


Wearing a safety belt is economical

This is in reply to Mary Krizan’s opinion in The State News (“Problems of safety belt law overlooked,” SN 1/19), which mistakenly tracked a racist plot behind the mandatory safety belt law and didn’t recognize the economic nature of the issue. Public traffic holds risks and dangers because people cause accidents.