Thursday, September 19, 2024

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Student living means Chef Boyardee dates

I know there is not one student on this campus who has not been in the same situation I find myself in constantly.Your job doesn’t pay well.You have bills always due.When you go to a bar with your friends, you regret it the next day.


Grounds crews have a lot of work

This letter is in response to those writing about icy walk ways (“Icy sidewalks should be salted,” SN 1/30, “Salted sidewalks too little, too late,” SN 2/5). On Monday, Jan.


SN coverage unfair to activists

I was extremely disappointed with The State News’ biased coverage of the MSU Students for Life vigil (“Abortion vigil stirs student debate,” SN 1/24). The photos were unfair and gave a distorted image of what really happened.


Unfair to U

The new arrest statistics may place MSU at the top of the list for alcohol violations, but the university’s reputation should not be judged by those numbers.The U.S.


Englers State of the State raises many issues, concerns

Gov. John Engler’s plan to allow the governor to appoint seven additional members to the boards of MSU, Wayne State University, the University of Michigan and the State Board of Education should not be adopted.In his 11th State of the State speech Wednesday, Engler touted the state’s successes of the last year and outlined his agenda for the coming year.


Childhood dreams should not be given up

Astronaut. President. Quarterback. Fireman. When you probe the minds of elementary schoolchildren as to what they want to be - when they grow out of finger-painting and enter the real world - these are the responses they sling at you.


Laws should not ban gay marriage

Rishi Kundi’s article on gay marriage was excellent and indirectly addresses a major problem with some laws today, including the violation of separation of church and state (“Gay marriage not complex issue to understand,” SN 1/31). It makes sense religious objection should dictate whether same-sex couples are married by a priest in a church that condemns homosexuality.


Gay marriage

I would just like to commend Rishi Kundi for his stance on the gay marriage issue (“Gay marriage not complex issue to understand,” SN 1/31). I feel it is about time someone stepped back and took a look at issues like this. I have been arguing this issue for years and have seemed to be on the losing side every time, however, my beliefs would not let me quit.


Vigil was pro-life, not pro-choice

I’m confused. On Jan. 24, The State News published an article that covered the MSU Students for Life vigil at Beaumont Tower (“Abortion vigil stirs student debate,” SN 1/24). The vigil was held by pro-life students Jan.


Cagers win over U-M inspires fan

The sight was sweet, sitting inside Crisler Arena on Tuesday night watching my Spartans lay a walloping on our rival, the Michigan Wolverines. Not only did our team turn in an almost picture-perfect performance, the crowd support from fellow Sparty fans was amazing.


Criminalization: An American rite of passage

I thought my opinion of the authorities could not get any worse. I had sour feelings about the police at age 15, when I would crouch in an alley at 10:30 on Saturday nights, hiding from police who enforced a strict curfew.


RHA worked hard on peephole plan

Though I have only been in the Residence Halls Association since the beginning of this semester, I know that RHA, along with many other people, has tried to get peepholes installed.


Gay marriage not complex issue to understand

I’ve been writing this column for a year now. Admittedly, I occasionally have an opinion on something, but most of the time, I try to make you laugh. Judging from the letters I’ve gotten, I’ve been successful in doing that.