Thursday, September 19, 2024

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Gore not fit to be U.S. president

After reading Drew Olson’s opinion (“Bush should not be our president,” SN 2/9), I thought I should give Olson a small history lesson on who Al Gore, Bill Clinton and the Democratic Party really stand for. Clinton, Gore and the Democratic National Committee have carried out the equivalent of a full-swing baseball bat to your head.


It wont change: Bush is president

When reading The State News Opinion Page on Feb. 9, I read Drew Olson’s response to a letter supporting President Bush (“Bush should not be our president,” SN 2/9). To my dismay I noticed that Olson stated, “I was in Washington on Inauguration Day to let him know he is not my president.” I ask, then, with this statement has Olson denounced citizenship in the United States?


Measure is not necessary at all

Upon reading Sandy Caul’s article about keg legislation (“Keg legislation will save lives,” SN 2/8), I must agree the bill in question would restrict the availability of alcohol to minors.


Drug war has turned into race, class conflict

I’m sure when you light up that pipe full of fresh new buds from the guy next door, who knew some kid in Colorado, who got stuff vacuum-sealed from Afghanistan, you didn’t think you were participating in a war. No, of course not. Your actions of drug use are only to bring “peace” into the world and produce a bond amongst friends, right?


Bush should not be our president

After reading Jessica Meyers’ column on George W. Bush I felt absolutely compelled to respond to her supportive statements of the president (“Bush is president - he deserves a chance,” SN 2/8). First and foremost, to say Bush is the type of citizen who personifies the United States is absurd.


Olin should at least consider making RU-486 available

While it is understandable for Olin Health Center not to offer the abortion pill RU-486, the center should at least consider providing the pill.Last week, Yale University announced RU-486 would be offered in its campus health center as part of the standard health plan for students.


Take care of U.S. before others

I am responding to Brian Emerson Jones’ column (“Bush’s memorandum can be felt worldwide,” SN 2/7). I have only read the first two paragraphs and already feel it necessary to write this letter.


Kegs dont cause binge drinking

I’m writing in response to the letter written by state Rep. Sandy Caul, (“Keg legislation will save lives” SN 2/8). I am a student here at MSU, and I can’t believe the things I am hearing.


Plagiarizers should take responsibility for their actions

Cheating should not be tolerated at MSU and professors should make a concerted effort to find and punish cheaters.A recent study conducted by Rutgers University Professor Don McCabe said 72 percent of college students admitted to purchasing or using a professionally written paper.


SN should have popular comics

I have a suggestion that will improve The State News dramatically. How about replacing all the lame student-produced comics with mainstream comics like Garfield, Dilbert, Ziggy or Beetle Bailey?


Keg legislation will save lives

The editorial regarding my legislation to require keg registration is misguided and misrepresents the growing need to address underage alcohol abuse (“Keep kegs,” SN 2/6). I would hope the events of the last several years in East Lansing would result in greater concern among ASMSU - MSU’s undergraduate student government - representatives and The State News for the types of tragedies that go hand-in-hand with underage and binge drinking.


The Doors are not musical geniuses

This is in response to Dan Julian’s article (“Music sellouts diminish craft,” SN 2/6). I have been reading The State News for almost two years now and, for the most part, I feel the articles are great work. However, it is quite obvious Julian did not do any research before submitting his piece. Like most rock fans, I am a fan of The Doors.


E.L. must research before cameras are installed at lights

A plan to put video cameras at some East Lansing intersections to monitor those who run red lights could have some good results, but there are issues with the plan that need to be addressed before further action is taken. The East Lansing City Council is considering a plan to put cameras at intersections.


Column missed important issues

I have become accustomed to reading in the State News that there was no difference between Al Gore and George Bush, and, therefore, voting in the recent election was unimportant, uninspiring or unnecessary. I have not responded, because I was certain that, experience being the best teacher, it would soon become apparent that important differences do indeed exist between a candidate who is pro-choice and one who imposes a gag rule preventing doctors in clinics which serve the poor in other nations from even mentioning abortion, even if those clinics do not offer abortion services. I thought the difference would soon be evident between a candidate who appoints a Secretary of the Interior who favors the interests of developers and loggers over the need to preserve the environment for future generations would be apparent - if not immediately, then certainly when we have lost irreplaceable Alaskan wilderness to oil drilling.