Thursday, September 19, 2024

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MSU President M. Peter McPherson’s address introduced and emphasized many good programs the university will be carrying out in the next few years. McPherson gave his eighth State of the University address Tuesday.


Sorry if ad was offensive to some

The women of Alpha Xi Delta would like to apologize to Angela Pok and other members of the Michigan State community who may have taken offense at the drawing used in our ad for a self-defense workshop (“Self-defense ad offensive, wrong,” SN 2/14). The drawing was chosen to represent a “general” male image, not a member of a particular racial or ethnic group.


Advertisement not racially motivated

I am writing in response to Angela Pok and the case of extreme over-sensitivity she seems to display (“Self-defense ad offensive, wrong,” SN 2/14). She declared The State News made a highly racist move in allowing Alpha Xi Delta to run an ad for a self-defense class which depicts a black man as a potential perpetrator of assault.


Clintons pardon was questionable

The Democratic Party in general has turned their heads with a number of former President Bill Clinton-related scandals, but the Marc Rich pardon may be harder to conquer and spin off as just another ploy by the conservative right to take down Clinton. As of Jan.


Falling in river not fault of U

I would like to thank Amanda Smith for her insightful observation that the university should warn students not to cross the flooded, frozen Red Cedar (“Block off flooded paths on campus,” SN 2/13). But here is a better suggestion: use common sense.


Raised rent

While the on-campus student tax increase proposed by the Residence Halls Association is minimal, the organization should make efforts to use the money wisely.RHA voted in favor of an increase of $3 in student taxes for the 2001-02 academic year.


Bill wont stop binge drinking

In response to state Rep. Sandy Caul’s letter on her legislation of kegs (“Keg legislation will save lives,” SN 2/8), I would like to clarify certain incidents she is using as her defense. First off, the tragedy of Bradley McCue’s death was a result of “binge drinking,” where he consumed more than five drinks in one sitting.


Bush is president for next four years

I would just like to share one small fact with Drew Olson (“Bush should not be our president,” SN 2/9), and the several hundred other students on this campus who are frustrated over the presidential election.


Drug war unfairly attacks minorities

Regarding Erin Schwartz’s excellent Feb. 9 column (“Drug war has turned into race, class conflict”), the drug war’s early beginnings are rooted in a race and class conflict. The drug war is mainly a war on marijuana, by far the most popular illicit drug.


Drugs war takes away freedom

This is in response to Erin Schwartz’s Feb. 9 column titled “Drug war has turned into race, class conflict.” Ethnic cleansing is criticized around the world - from Adolf Hitler to Slobodan Milosevic - but it is practiced daily with the Drug Enforcement Administration’s drug war.


Block off flooded paths on campus

Monday morning on my way to class, I had a very close encounter with the Red Cedar River. The Brody path that I - and the majority of people living in the Brody Complex - use to get to class was flooded over.


Guarantee U

ASMSU should not be focusing its efforts on breaking the tuition guarantee, but should work to get rid of the funding gap instead. ASMSU’s Academic Assembly passed a measure last Tuesday to recommend the Board of Trustees alter MSU’s tuition guarantee, and the proposal recommends tuition increases for the next four years be held to the rate of inflation plus 2 percent. ASMSU is the university’s undergraduate student government. The tuition guarantee, instituted in 1994, states increases in tuition will not exceed the projected rate of inflation or consumer price index. This proposal could be detrimental to many students who struggle to pay for college with tuition rates as they are.