Thursday, September 19, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Enlighten U

If the university has the financial means, it should make efforts to provide more lighting along campus walkways.The Student Assembly of ASMSU, MSU’s undergraduate student government, is considering a measure encouraging university officials to provide more consistent lighting on campus.Lights have recently been added and faulty ones replaced along the trail that runs past the Kellogg Center.


Iraq encouraged Allied airstrikes

Last Friday’s attack on the five Iraqi Air Defense sites was provoked, contrary to Brian Emerson Jones’ column (“Latest bombings will only enforce stereotypes,” SN 2/21). In the month of January alone, Iraq launched over a dozen surface-to-air missiles at British and American planes patrolling the no-fly zone, more than were launched in all of last year.


Students should decide Pie sequel

Once again, I have been let down by MSU. This most recent disappointment stems from university administrators rejecting Universal Studios’ request to use MSU in the sequel to “American Pie” (“Administrators: Thumbs down to ‘Pie’ sequel,” SN 2/27). This may seem trivial to most people, but this is just another incident stemming from a larger problem: the problem being the administration, once again proven here, is out of touch with its students.


Letter disagreed with tax realities

I am writing to respond to Seth Murray’s letter (“Tax cuts actually benefit no one,” SN 2/28). Murray’s statements disagree with many realities of the American economic system and facts about how the wealthy in this country have traditionally become wealthier.


Restrict U

Restricted living options are good for those who choose them, but are unlikely to be responsible for better academic performance. The Harvard School of Public Health recently released a study that found students living in substance-free dorms were less likely to drink heavily or be affected by alcohol-related problems.


Inequality exists between genders

Although it may come as a shock, I agree with Steven Soldwedel when he writes, “The inconsistencies that surround the gender issues in our society are things that need to be dealt with, not suppressed or ignored” (“Men don’t honor penises with week,” SN 2/27). Soldwedel is right.


America must remember its history to move on

Today’s important for a few reasons. It’s Wednesday, which means the week is half over; it’s my roommate’s birthday and, because nobody reading this has thought of it, it’s the last day of Black History Month. It just seemed to fly past, didn’t it? I hope you’ll forgive my cynicism.


No Pie for U

The university’s refusal to allow MSU to be represented in the upcoming sequel to “American Pie” is understandable. Universal Studios sought permission to represent MSU in “Secret Disguise,” the sequel to “American Pie,” earlier this year.


Vagina Week is a celebration for all

Steven Soldwedel seems disturbed that women are speaking up for themselves in a positive light, and that the media is supporting them (“Men don’t honor penises with week,” SN 2/27). I wonder why this is.


Recycle U

University departments should switch to using 100 percent recycled paper. The philosophy and supply chain management departments recently began using chlorine-free, 100 percent post-consumer recycled paper on a trial basis.


Fare increase is unfair to others

A 100 percent increase in CATA student bus fares is bad for the university. With the already overcrowded parking situation, then the more people who are encouraged to take the bus, the less people will need to hunt for parking spots and be late for classes (or be driven in by friends). It is bad enough CATA gives you no real break on a semester pass (if you ride two times per day, five days per week for the semester, it works out the same as paying the per ride student fare). At least though, at 25 cents, the bus fare is on par with a semester parking pass on campus. If CATA raises the fare by 100 percent to 50 cents, the cost to ride the bus will be double what it costs to park on campus.


Lent is filled with religious, tasty traditions

This is a very special day. It has many names: Fat Tuesday, Mardi Gras, Shrove Tuesday. But most importantly to me and many others with some sort of Polish connection, it is Panczki Day.Panczkis are a Polish tradition originating from the need to get rid of eggs and fat in the house, which would be forbidden from consumption during Lent.Anyone who just said “Huh?” will immediately get the response, “You’re not Catholic, are you?” from someone who is.


Men dont honor penises with week

I think the frequency with which I see the word “vagina” steadily increases each year. Every time I open the paper, I get to see something glorifying women and how wonderful they are. Funny how there’s never anything announcing the merit of men, probably because present-day society has subscribed wholesale to the belief that men aren’t worth anything but what they can provide women with. Men are being painted with a brush made out of female pubic hair that colors them as rapists, deadbeat dads and just about any and every negative thing associated with getting the Y chromosome. Can you think of any examples when men are put in a positive light, other than when they’ve declared themselves proponents of the feminist cause or denounced their gender for the sake of the increasingly important acceptance of women? Today, it’s better to be emasculated and prostrate yourself before a woman than it is to take some pride in your own gender.