Thursday, September 19, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Generous gift

The donor who gave money to help fund a new center for the business college should be congratulated for the generous gift. An anonymous donor contributed $8 million toward the soon-to-be completed Executive Development Center.


Concealed gun law is responsible

I have a few objections to the column written by Ashley Bell ( “Concealed weapons law will increase guns,” SN 3/23). Most are minor and probably nitpicking on my part. Why does Bell assume any substantial percentage of gun-related accidents occur with concealed weapons?


Evangelists can invade privacy

In response to Janell Seymour’s letter (“Christ is there - even on vacation,” SN 3/22), I would argue that challenging Christians’ or non-Christians’ beliefs is not always a good thing. I, like many others, feel very uncomfortable when evangelists attempt to “convert” people as part of their Christian duty.


Speak On

ASMSU should be congratulated for allocating funds to bring poet Maya Angelou to campus. ASMSU’s Student Assembly approved a bill Thursday that would provide $33,000 from the organization’s investment account to cover Angelou’s speaking fees.


Bush is paying off national debt

I’m responding to Dan Austin’s column, “Tax cut money should be used to pay off debt” (SN 3/21). Just so you don’t get brainwashed by what you read, President Bush is paying off the national debt.


No on cell bill

A proposed state House bill aimed at increasing penalties for people talking on cellular phones during traffic violations is unnecessary and should not be supported by the House. State Rep.


Ad wasnt meant to attack Herald

In the article on the Horowitz advertisement controversy in Friday’s paper (“Advertisement incites free speech discussion,” SN 3/23;), it’s possible to get the impression The Daily Cardinal ran an ad from several student groups for the purpose of attacking The Badger Herald. The Cardinal staff had nothing to do with developing the content of the ad.


Concealed weapons law will increase guns

During the midst of the media hoopla over the presidential election, the state Legislature slid through an amendment to Michigan’s concealed weapons law that will drastically increase the number of concealed guns on the streets. The concealed weapons law originally stated applicants for concealed weapon permits must demonstrate a need to carry concealed weapons and must renew the permits every three years.


ASMSU should not boycott CATA

ASMSU should drop its ridiculous effort to boycott CATA’s fare increase before its members embarrass themselves any further (“ASMSU to boycott if CATA raises fare,” SN 3/21). Am I alone in remembering the days before CATA came on campus?


Register Early

A proposed House Bill to remove the law requiring voters to register 30 days before the election is not an issue ASMSU, university’s undergraduate student government, should support. If the bill is passed, residents will have until election day to register.


Ritalin is needed by many people

The column written March 15 by Andrew Banyai (“Kids shouldn’t be drugged for acting their age”) upset and angered me. Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder is not about a kid who can’t sit still because he wants to play.


Christ is there - even on vacation

I am writing in response to Jessica Meyers’ column, “Religion should stay within house of worship” (SN 3/15). I have never been a fanatical Christian who walks up to people on the street to share my faith to an unwelcome audience.


Issues linked to poverty must be addressed

I interrupt this paper’s sports glorification coverage with a real issue: How to improve the life quality of the many amongst us who work, but still dwell in poverty. Those whose hearts throb only for in-the-paint action and in-the-bar debauchery, don’t even call me a spoilsport.