Thursday, September 19, 2024

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Bands missed because of age restrictions

I don’t think anyone will argue with me when I say alcohol is a key part of college culture. It seems sometimes the entirety of college students’ social world is built on a foundation of alcohol.I’m not going to condemn that; for the most part, I don’t have a problem with it.


Whitmer worked hard to close gap

Last Wednesday, the Michigan House of Representatives passed a higher education budget that would take a large step in the direction of closing the funding gap between MSU and the state’s other research institutions.


Unionizing would hurt grad students

I am encouraging graduate students to vote against unionization. If students don’t get out and vote, the decision will be made only by a select few who feel strongly about the issue.


Proud of U

While the defeat of the men’s basketball team by Arizona on Saturday was disappointing, MSU has a lot to be proud of. MSU lost to the Wildcats 80-61 in the Spartans’ third-straight appearance in the Final Four, ending hopes for a repeat of last year’s NCAA Championship. More than 2,000 people filled the streets surrounding Cedar Village after the game in a generally peaceful gathering.


Dont protest with violence

Brian Emerson Jones’ column on Pride Week grieved me deeply (“Pride Week celebrations are important to all,” SN 3/28). I agree it is horrible how homosexuals are victims of hate crimes.


Pride Week helps abolish ignorance

I would like to thank Brian Emerson Jones for recognizing the lesbian, bisexual, gay and transgendered community in his column “Pride Week celebrations are important to all” (SN 3/28). Pride Week is an important time not only to celebrate diverse sexual orientations and gender identities, but to push the acceptance wall back a little bit, and if at all possible, abolish some ignorance here and there. I, too, have endured harassing comments written on my residence hall door and various verbal harassment during the years simply because of the fact that I happen to be gay.


Safe revelry

As the MSU basketball team prepares to play Arizona on Saturday in its third consecutive NCAA Final Four appearance, students should congratulate the team and themselves for a great season. With the memories of the March 27-28, 1999, riot after MSU’s loss to Duke still haunting the university, students should think about how circumstances have improved in the two years since. In the March 27-28, 1999, riot, 132 people were arrested, although only 71 were MSU students.


Riot coverage should be stopped

The State News should start covering news, not rehashing old, painful memories. The article on the 1999 riot following the men’s loss to Duke was entirely unnecessary (“E.L.


Many programs arent covered

I thank The State News editors for their emphasis on men’s basketball coverage. The hockey program has been given its share of coverage because of Ryan Miller’s achievement (“Frozen Four is as important as Final Four,” SN 3/27). There are plenty of programs that barely get any coverage at all.


Admit more

The debate over race-based admission standards is a difficult one that has valid arguments on both sides. The University of Michigan Law School was ordered by a U.S.


More coverage needed for hockey

I agree with what Michonne L. Omo said about the Frozen Four deserving just as much attention from The State News and other newspapers as the Final Four does (“Frozen Four is as important as Final Four” SN 3/27). When I walked into Wells Hall on Monday morning, ready to grab my copy of the paper, I expected - or at least hoped - to see a paper with equal billing for MSU’s men’s basketball and hockey teams.


CCW law wont increase crime

However much I disagree with Ashley Bell’sopinion of Michigan’s new concealed weapons law (“Concealed weapons will increase guns,” SN 3/23), I commend her for explaining the bill objectively, as many people like the “Million” Moms (numbering closer to five) and the press fail to do.


Advertisements disrespect religion

I am writing in response to Janell Seymour’s letter, “Christ is there - even on vacation” (SN 3/22). Born and raised on the other side of the world (Taiwan), I have looked at religion issues from a neutral standpoint.