Thursday, September 19, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Olin incapable of providing RU-486

I’m writing in response to Tuesday’s article, “RU-486 not an option for Olin ” (SN 4/24). I was surprised The State News referred to Olin Health Center’s inability to safely provide RU-486 as a “decision.” I attended the ASMSU meeting where Dr. Glynda Moorer repeatedly explained Olin doesn’t even have the capability of offering RU-486 because it cannot meet the qualifications necessary to legally and safely provide the abortion drug to women.


Paying attention helps U avoid accidents

Have you ever wanted to turn to that individual next to you on the street, in the hallway or in your classroom and scream at the top of your lungs, “are you brain dead?” I’ve heard that expression a lot lately and wondered what exactly would classify someone as a member of the Brain Dead Society.


La Fleur off track with argument

I was sad while reading John La Fleur’s column (“Institution of marriage is for heterosexuals,” SN 4/20) on homosexual marriage, but not because of his line of argument.



The recent actions of Sen. David Jaye, R-Washington Township, are embarrassing and irresponsible for a man of his stature. Jaye’s position came into question Tuesday when Senate Majority Leader Dan DeGrow, R-Port Huron, issued a resolution to form a committee that will investigate the ability of Jaye to serve in the Michigan Senate. Charges were brought against Jaye in Florida earlier this month for assaulting his fiancée.


Infiltration story full of inconsistencies

Am I missing something or have others also noted an inconsistency in the administration’s explanation of police infiltration of Students for Economic Justice? On the one hand, MSU police Chief Bruce Benson responded to a Freedom of Information Act request for records and notes of the undercover operation by saying he destroyed them because they were no longer necessary. On the other hand, in grasping for straws to justify police spying on a legitimate student organization, President M.


ASMSU shouldnt govern yearbook

As both a student and a fan of the First Amendment, I am glad to see that the battle over whether ASMSU will gain editorial control over the Red Cedar Log finally ended with a defeat of that proposal. There were some important legal concerns in the content of the bill that would allow ASMSU editorial control of MSU’s student yearbook; these concerns involved both First Amendment issues and problems relating to MSU’s anti-discrimination policy.


Columnists ideas were outdated

The First Amendment gives us the marketplace of ideas. Even the ignorant have their say. Reasonable citizens sort out the arguments and come to a decision on issues based on this dialogue. In John La Fleur’s “market,” the produce is rotten.


Freedom of speech is for everyone

In response to the letter written by Anthony Kendall (“Original messages were offensive,” SN 4/20), I would just like to say that on a campus containing diverse people with equally diverse beliefs, sensitivity to differences is vital. Freedom of speech is also vital and some will say that where the two conflict, there is no right or wrong solution.


Homosexuality not related to incest

So I take it now that Pride Week is over, The State News is going to publish uninformed, uneducated, homophobic blathering? John La Fleur’s column was not only insulting, but embarrassing.


Many marriages can be childless

In John La Fleur’s column published Friday, he made public his ignorance of the topic of gay and lesbian relationships, as well as the role marriage plays in society. Sociologists recognize marriage not as a “legal union from which children are born,” but as “a multifaceted bond based on commitment, love and intimacy.” In addition, the reality of marriage is that many marriages remain childless by choice. La Fleur should have done some research before presuming to know what marriage means to American society.


Marriage is not just legal union

If we subscribe to the ideas that John La Fleur suggests are correct in his column, we may find ourselves in a scarier, more unfortunate situation than what already exists by not allowing homosexual marriages. The way that marriage was described to me for as long as I can remember is that it is an institution for which people who love each other can live together with certain benefits and recognition - such as a joint tax situation or health benefits. Never was it described to me as “a legal union from which children are born.” The idea of marriage for the purpose of procreation is ridiculous.


Union for U

The members of the Graduate Employees Union should be congratulated for their hard work in solidifying their collective bargaining victory. Graduate employees appointed as teaching assistants went to the polls Thursday and Friday to vote on whether they wanted to be represented by a union.