Thursday, September 19, 2024

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Increased security along the U.S.-Mexico border isn’t the right way to go about handling immigrants. U.S.


Anxiety felt by children easily misunderstood

Nothing is worse than losing a parent, especially one who is the family’s foundation. Such was the case with the McGuckins of Idaho, who clearly fell apart after the death of Michael McGuckin, husband of JoAnn McGuckin and the father of seven children, ranging from 8 to 19 years old.The McGuckins were an independent family that believed in sticking together.Living in abject poverty for more than a decade, the family could outlast any member on the “Survivor” series with the skills it acquired.


Good example

Every vote counts, doesn’t it? When we walk away from the polls, we expect that our vote is tallied along with the rest and if it isn’t, somebody should find out why. The U.S.


Congress, Court wrong to overrule voters

I’m not going to talk about marijuana. I’m going to talk about the cannabis plant, known as a superior medicine since the world’s first medical text, the Pen Ts’ao by Emperor Shen Nung, was written in China 5,000 years ago.


Blind decision

The College of Education’s decision to freeze admissions to the special education visual impairment program is disagreeable and detrimental to the college and the university. Administrators from the college and university have placed a hold on admissions for new students after the recent resignation of Professor Susan Bruce, essentially the program’s leader. The visual impairment specialty includes deaf blind, visual impairment and orientation and mobility education and is only one of two visual impairment programs in the state. There are currently about 30 students involved in the program, who have been assured they will be able to graduate with degrees in special education visual impairment. The National Federation for the Blind is planning to sponsor a rally June 8 in front of the Administration Building to support the program. A $1.5 million grant intended for recruitment was recently awarded to the department, but may be in danger if the program doesn’t have enough students, Bruce said. This is a terrible time to put a hold on admissions.


Americas greed means drain on energy supply

A couple of weeks ago, in the midst of President Bush’s attempt to push a solution to the energy crisis on the rest of the country, his adviser, Ari Fleisher, made one of the most completely stupid statements I’ve ever been privileged to hear from a supposedly intelligent person.“The president believes that (high-energy consumption) is an American way of life, and that it should be the goal of policymakers to protect the American way of life.


Republicans care about our country

I’m writing in response to the column about young Republicans on campus. I would just like to make a few points about the Republican Party and its members, which Ryan Weltzer brought up (“Writer puzzled by political views of peers,” SN 5/30). I have been a Republican for my whole life, which is undoubtedly influenced by my parents.


Journalists only give liberal views

Ryan Weltzer’s gentle perplexion at the possibility of conservative thinking amongst his peers may amply demonstrate the answer to the very question he presents (“Writer puzzled by political views of peers,” SN 5/30). It is not surprising in the least that he should be a journalism major, given the admission of his political orientation.


Bushs energy crisis is a blessing in disguise

The Bush administration’s current heralding of an energy crisis is right on target. There is obviously an energy shortage, because, seriously, who would ever fabricate such a crisis for purely political and economic gain?


No good to go

While it is unfortunate the L.A. Globe nightclub is being forced to shut down because of liquor law violations and numerous police calls, the three owners of the club should try to clean up their establishment and get it back in business. The Lansing City Council voted in March to block renewal of the club’s liquor license.


Writer puzzled by political views of peers

What is it that makes young people conservative? I’ve had many arguments with young Republicans who have perfectly legitimate political arguments, but I still can’t understand what makes them conservative. Like many young people, I was initially influenced by my parents’ values.


Smooth move

The departure of Vermont Sen. James Jeffords from the Republican Party last Thursday was an accreditation to the American legislative system.


Here to stay

Sen. David Jaye’s actions are deplorable and quite disappointing, but this does not give the Senate adequate grounds for dismissal. Jaye, R-Washington Township, faced charges in a Florida court for domestic abuse against fiancée Sonia Kloss, but the charges were dropped last week.