Thursday, September 19, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Article should be more forthcoming

I am disappointed to see that The State News has given such a prominent place and uncritical treatment of the recently released “study” by the Center for Equal Opportunity ( “Study: med college racist,” SN 6/14). Your article reports the findings of this report with little or no critical analysis of the data or the organization that produced it.


Truth hidden by faulty opinions

There’s a word some people need to learn: responsibility. In your article (“Election flaws discovered,” SN 6/6), Nikki O’Brien, coordinator for African American Student Affairs at MSU, along with the editorial board of The State News, acted irresponsibly.


Times may be changing, but the kids are all right

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.”So begins Charles Dickens’ French Revolution-era novel “A Tale of Two Cities.” So also begins my segue into a discussion I had with a fellow radio-show host Friday (Incidentally, this is in no way intended as any sort of shameless self-promotion.


Hard time

The Michigan prison visitation policy, which has recently come under scrutiny, is much too strict and has too many downfalls to be considered effective. The policies, which were enacted in 1995, were challenged by several prisoners and overturned by U.S.


Studio scraping the barrel with latest trick

Who is David Manning and why is he causing such a commotion in Hollywood and across the country? The answer: He is the figment of the imagination of an employee at Sony Pictures who has given out good reviews for movies produced by Sony Pictures. It’s bad enough to hear hundreds and hundreds of critics run their mouths about what movies they think should get a thumbs up or a thumbs down.


Court lets compassion override the facts

In the last two weeks, I’ve been called: a) As cruel as a roaring 1920s mobster. b) As heartless as the pre-Oz tin man. c) As noncompassionate as an MSU math TA. You see, this parade of insults began May 29, when the U.S.


Cheap shot

Although the Michigan Supreme Court is highly likely to overturn a previous Court of Appeals ruling, it should do the right thing and put concealed weapons legislation to a voter referendum. The law, which would make a concealed weapons permit easier to obtain, is scheduled to take effect July 1.


Come together

President Bush’s visit to Europe is a good way for his administration to kick off good relations abroad, but his focus appears skewed. Bush’s five-day tour began Tuesday in Madrid, Spain, where he met with King Juan Carlos and Queen Sophia before a private session with Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar. Items on Bush’s agenda in Europe include defending his position on the Kyoto treaty and the proposed missile defense system.


People make air travel a miserable experience

On the tip of almost everyone’s tongue is the state of airline travel in the new millennium. Complaints range from too many people to too few flights, canceled flights to delayed flights, poor food to every conceivable problem known to man.


Writer questions motive of decision

In regards to last week’s State News editorial (“Blind decision,” SN 6/4) I would be interested in hearing the voices of the 30 students currently enrolled in this program, as well as the voices of visually impaired students at MSU concerning this issue.


College shouldnt let program go

The MSU College of Education is planning to discontinue the program preparing special education teachers for K-12 students who are blind, visually impaired and deaf blind (“Blind decision,” SN 6/4). This development has arisen with the departure of a faculty member who served as the primary administrator of the program.


MEAP mishap

The Michigan Educational Assessment Program test is used to measure the success of high school students and school districts, but it may be driving schools to cheat to gain the desired results. State Treasurer Doug Roberts released a list of 71 Michigan schools under investigation for possible cheating on the MEAP test. The investigation comes after essay answers from eight students from the same school were found to be suspiciously close. These allegations have angered many superintendents and caused teachers to question what they can and can’t do to prepare the students for the test. Teachers are given answers to the questions before the test is given out and they format their teaching of the material accordingly.


Profusion of pretense disgusts columnist

A year ago, I wrote a piece describing my intense hatred of bumper stickers. I thought my arguments were compelling and irrefutable, but it seems that I would have done more for the cause if I had tied my column around a dog’s neck, shot the dog and set it on fire.