Thursday, September 19, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



True Hollywood stories are getting more sordid

Why are millions of 12-year-old girls so unhappy?Because two of their most beloved celebrity “heartthrobs” have just checked into rehabilitation facilities for alcohol abuse and there is some indication more may soon follow.Yeah, that’s right.


Shot down

In the capitalist society we live in, guns can be legally bought and sold by law-abiding citizens and potential criminals.


Voice your choice

The primary election for the East Lansing City Council is Tuesday and MSU students spending the summer in town should head to the polls to be heard. East Lansing was built around the university, so the city’s essence is college students.


Student says: Hello McFly, wheres my flying car?

I have to say, I am very disappointed with the rest of you humans.Here we are, more than halfway through the first year of a new millennium, and if television has taught me nothing else in the last 20 years, we are terribly behind in our technology.In the early 1950s, TV promised us luxury resorts on the moon by the ’70s.


Worn welcome

The U.S. Navy is bombing Vieques again and the inhabitants of the island have a few good reasons to be upset. On Thursday, the Navy resumed exercises on Vieques, a small island belonging to the U.S.


Columnists rules are right on target

As I read Audrey Barney’s column (“Dating game is best played with different rules,” SN 8/1), I was in total awe of her commitment to Jesus Christ and her wisdom concerning dating.


Recent advances hold promise of catastrophe

In 1945, J. Robert Oppenheimer quoted the Bhagavad Gita. “I am become Death,” he said, “destroyer of worlds.” He spoke these words in the light of his fading and false sun, the first nuclear explosion on Earth.In retrospect, he was making rather a big deal about nothing.


Rush to judge

The U.S. House has taken a dangerous step toward obstructing scientific progress in the United States.


Students could be more considerate

Ryan Weltzer’s recent column was one of the best reasoned and crafted pieces on the complexities of student/permanent resident relations the paper has run in ages (“Residents, students can learn from each other,” SN 8/1). As a former Welcome Week edition editor, I encourage you to include the piece in the Welcome Week edition so more students can read it.


U brings much to East Lansings table

I’ve lived in East Lansing for the last 13 years. It’s 15 years altogether because of the two years my family lived on Cambria Drive between overseas teaching positions.On Saturday, I spent the entire day wandering around campus and downtown East Lansing.


Bright ideas

Since November, the whole country has been pushing for election reform. Finally, a commission led by former Presidents Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter has come to the rescue. It has set out a number of ideas, a big step toward improving the election process in the United States.


People make U a better place

I hope everyone took time out of their busy day Wednesday to read Tracy Weiss’ column (“People you meet make school more memorable,” SN 7/25). I thought it was wonderful.


Better schools start with better parenting

There are three things nearly everyone remembers from his or her childhood: The name of the barbershop you went to as a kid, the name of the person who cut your hair and the name of your neighborhood bully.


Billboard baby

Race cars carry corporate names like Pennzoil and Tide. The Detroit Tigers play in the corporate named Comerica Park.