Thursday, September 19, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Tax cut plunders surplus

Less than a year ago, we told each other it didn’t matter if we elected George W. Bush or Al Gore and then proceeded to make sure we’d never be able to tell who actually got elected - thus saving the trouble of having either one of them as president. Unfortunately, George W’s daddy’s friends on the Supreme Court handed him his daddy’s old job, screwing people out of the “neither of two evils” situation. Seeking to legitimize himself as the rightful heir, George W.



Some members of MSU’s undergraduate student government have a plan to enable students who feel underrepresented among the university’s leadership. At the Aug.


Bike registration is mob-like scheme

The MSU Department of Police and Public Safety is running a protection racket.At the beginning of every year, the DPPS sends out a bulletin saying that all bikes on campus must be registered for a fee of $2.


No mistake

Something must have touched the heartstrings of MSU’s parking enforcers during Welcome Weekend.


Recruits often kept despite problems

I agree with you in your disgust of the Eric Knott situation (“Cold reception,” SN 8/15). But before you lavish the University of Michigan with “high praise for their discretion and selectivity in choosing their players” consider the case of Kelly Baraka.


Smell of money drove U to Knott

I am disgusted officials would recruit and give a scholarship to Eric Knott. They obviously have no sense except a sense of smell for money.While admittedly I don't know the whole context of the comment Coach Bobby Williams made, but to say it was a “university decision” is ridiculous.


Say cheese!

The cameras, provided by the university to document the graduating Class of 2005 in connection with MSU’s 150th birthday, gives freshmen a chance to explore campus and find the many stories that accompany buildings, gardens and monuments. The sight of freshmen running around campus looking for that perfect shot reflects the pride we hope they show in their university. It also helps get them more accustomed to campus.


Vegetarian column unfair, uninformed

I have two things that I’d like to comment on from Rishi Kundi’s column “Humans have earned spot at the top of food chain” (SN 8/23), which states his case against vegetarianism. First, I’d like to point out a discrepancy in his argument.


Perceived rank

The review’s 2002 edition of “The Best 331 Colleges” hit bookshelves recently with good news and bad news for MSU.


SN lacked facts in Knott case editorial

As aspiring journalists you should remember what is taught in class and stick to the facts when reporting (“Cold reception,” SN 8/15). Leave the speculation to the tabloids. The little known facts in the Eric Knott case point not to rape, but at worst to sex between an eighth grader and a high school junior.


Donate furniture to charities, not curb

A suggestion to students now changing residences, and something to consider for later in the year to others: When semesters change and students move out of their houses and apartments many put usable furniture they no longer need out to the curb with a big “free” sign attached.



The committee’s report is in - and its recommendation is to create another committee. On Friday, the four-member panel appointed by MSU President M.