Friday, September 20, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Message lost

Universities are traditionally - and proudly - known for activism. But there are times when protesters wielding pride, justice and equity stand up and proudly, justly and equitably shoot themselves in the foot. About 100 protesters marched from the Union to Spartan Stadium on Saturday, denouncing the presence of freshman tight end Eric Knott and redshirt freshman quarterback Damon Dowdell on the Spartan roster.



Stop. Go. Yield. Crash. It’s inevitable that on a campus of some 40,000 students - many of which have to commute to campus daily - there’s going to be an accident every now and then.


Alumnus wrong to give up on Spartans

I could not disagree more with Les Nixon’s choice to stop supporting MSU football (“Alumnus withdraws football support,” SN 9/6). I don’t care what he does, but I am disappointed to hear he is basing his decision on MSU’s admittance of two athletes involved in a crime. The cases of Eric Knott and Damon Dowdell have been resolved to the satisfaction of the state of Michigan.


Criticism of Knott unfair, unfounded

Recently I have read some of the most slandering editorials I’ve ever seen in The State News. People are judging Eric Knott solely upon what the media has reported about him and this unfortunate situation.However none of us were there.


Football frenzy

Saturday marks the start of one of college life’s greatest and most time-tested traditions - football season. There isn’t a college student - past or present - who doesn’t know the feel of the electricity that pervades campus on those crisp autumn days featuring a game at their home stadium.


Wasted month

It’s College Savings Month in Michigan. Well, at least if you ask Gov. John Engler and Lt.


No victory while Knott on campus

Recently there has been a lot of media attention drawn to the Eric Knott case. Maybe right now the policy to admit people found guilty of crimes similar to Knott’s into our university is a satisfactory decision made by the administration.


Alumnus withdraws football support

On May 29 I wrote to three MSU offices - the president, the athletic director and the football office - with my objections to recruiting two student-athletes who had been accused of assaulting a teenage girl.


Reel problem | Not shark attacks

Duh dum. It’s not safe to go into the water. Duh dum. Well, at least that’s the message we’re getting from the national media which has decided one of the most important stories of August is people getting attacked by sharks.


U.S. tantrum

Like an upset child who hasn’t gotten her way, the United States has packed up its toys and left the United Nations conference on racism Monday, citing efforts on the part of other nations to condemn Israel as a racist state in the meeting’s proposed declaration. It doesn’t matter if our delegates agreed with the path the discussions were taking, simply boycotting the conference accomplishes nothing. Before it even began there were concerns that the strife between Palestinian and Israeli representatives would carry over into the in South African conference - and take away from the myriad of other issues the conference was intended to address.