Friday, September 20, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Increased security necessary response

Waking up to my roommate shaking me saying, “The World Trade Center and the Pentagon have been attacked!” The first thing into my mind was, “Am I sleeping still?” As I walked out into the living area, the news slapped me in the face confirming the worst.


Reader was worried classes not secure

I am writing in response to the bad decision President M. Peter McPherson made during the attack on our country. It was ridiculous and disrespectful to be expected to carry on this day as if it were any other.


Reader remembers day with silence

Tuesday’s horrible events will probably affect all of us for a long time to come. While I have sympathy for the people who were hurt, and their families, I think that I am even more worried about what lies ahead.


Day was needed for mourning, not class

I would like to take this opportunity to publicly condemn MSU President M. Peter McPherson. In what is arguably the worst terrorist attack ever on the United States’ soil, McPherson stood alone in his decision to keep MSU open. Numerous universities were closed during this abomination, if not for security purposes then out of respect for the dead and dying. Rather than taking the rest of the day to mourn the dead or be angry at the terrorists who committed this act or to visit with friends during this frightening time, students were told to go to class as if nothing had happened. During this atrocity I find it humiliating that MSU was one of the only institutions to remain open.


Chinese student sends well wishes

I just read the news, and I have been watching TV all day. Two of the four airplanes were from Boston, where I am now. I am a former president of Chinese Students and Scholars Association at MSU. I trust world peace, which has always been my goal.


Donate blood to help

Though the extent of fatalities and injuries is yet to be known, there is an obvious need for blood donations in Washington, D.C., and New York.


National tragedy strikes home for journalist

When I woke up Tuesday morning my biggest problem was that I wasn’t sure if I was prepared for my journalism ethics class.An hour later I wasn’t sure if I was prepared for anything.I consider myself a smart person.


Freedom itself was attacked

Tuesday morning looked more like a nuclear winter than the hustle and bustle we’re supposed to see in lower Manhattan. Hundreds of miles removed, safe within the ivy covered walls of campus, we watched in horror as the scene was replayed throughout the day.


Set aside differences to overcome attack

As I walk along the tree-lined streets of MSU, it is hard to imagine a crisis in this world. The glowing sun and floral aroma stain my heart with happiness and safety. Yet, as the frigid shadow of reality sets upon me, I cannot bear the idea of such a tragedy that has befallen us.


A swimming idea

Chances are if you visited some of Michigan’s numerous public beaches this summer, you may not have been able to enter the water because of unsafe bacteria levels. On campus, we have our own nasty environmental pollution history with E.


Key to safety

In the wake of two sexual assault cases at Williams Hall, residence hall officials are urging students to lock their doors.


U.S. wrong to leave race conference

I write to show my strong disapproval of the pullout of the U.S. from the U.N. racism conference. It appears that the Bush administration policy toward world conferences appears to be “my way or the highway,” a description offered by an official in Newsweek. U.S.


SN should support local cartoonists

As a cartoonist in the Lansing area and a former MSU student, I am outraged and disgusted by The State News’ (MSU’s “independent” student newspaper?) lack of support for local talent.