Friday, September 20, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Group songs needed at U faith services

The interfaith service of remembrance at the Wharton Center on Friday held a secondary professional interest to me as a musician who has performed in more than 2,000 church services. We came together not only as mourners for an unfathomable catastrophe, but as citizens anxious about a solitary future in which the civil rights of everyone to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” may be threatened.


Protesters showed little class at game

Freedom of speech is God-given and inherent in our society. Unfortunately it is a right that, if not exercised properly, can make those with noble causes appear ignorant. That was the situation with the rape protesters outside Spartan Stadium more than a week ago.


Overcome fear

The nation’s airlines resumed flight service Wednesday and Thursday, but many people have changed their travel plans to go by car or train, or simply not at all. Since the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, fear has become one of the primary words in the average person’s vocabulary.



I woke up this morning In a world I did not know Where fantasy and reality collide Where ash falls down like snow Darkness fell upon the city A nation under siege Within the hearts of many The sadness floods like a sea The world reacts in horror Save some the rise up with glee At the destruction of human life It pains my heart to see Punishment must be rendered The guilty must account But let us not blame for blames sake Lest guilt be placed on us Fear surrounds us all today It seems like endless night We seek to find lost safety We search to find the light Fear not, there is light out there Burning red, white and blue As the phoenix rises from the ash So the eagle rises too We must in the soul remember And in the heart grieve And within the country move forward Living in the land of the free This poem is to all of us, as we are all touched by this tragedy.


Alumnus proud U open after attack

It is with great pride that I heard of MSU President M. Peter McPherson’s decision to remain open for business during and after the terrorist acts of war in New York and Washington, D.C.


Graduate happy many at services

The past days have been a rough for many people, some more than others. I watched on TV as a plane smashed into the World Trade Center and saw people jumping from hundreds of feet to escape death or to bring the inevitable more quickly.


Act of war means civil liberty talks

In the days since the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, D.C., the American people have been bombarded with militaristic talk harshly contrasting the rhetoric we’re accustomed to hearing. Our nation has begun a dramatic investigation that leaves little doubt our troops will see action in the coming months.


Nation must unite to overcome attack

As with most people Tuesday, I awoke to a nightmare. Growing up outside of D.C. having a father who works for the government and having friends whose families are in the military gave me an understanding of how our nation operates. This morning, I turned on my television and thought of my cousins and friends who live in New York as well as my family and friends back in Maryland, D.C.


Future wont forget terrorist strikes

Fellow citizens, it is a day like Tuesday that puts our daily lives in perspective. While we spend a great deal of time and thought beating our chests about jobs, our petty problems or one sports team or another, we must not forget what is truly important in this world - the value of human life.


McPherson failed to honor attack

I found President M. Peter McPherson’s disregard for our nation and student body disrespectful and unforgivable. For those who did have family or felt the pain of Tuesday, I send out my deepest sympathy and support.


Open campus

Tuesday, when many students watched and wondered how we could go on, MSU President M. Peter McPherson decided we can and we must. While the University of Michigan, Central Michigan University and other state universities closed their doors, this campus stayed open and held classes. Some may have seen this decision as a threat to the safety of students and faculty or disgraceful to the memory of the countless victims of Tuesday’s blasts.


Unity conquers

Like the towers of the World Trade Center themselves, the entire nation shuddered from the impact of the two terrorist-guided jetliners as it watched the terrible footage replayed over and over again throughout the course of the day. The disaster in New York City sent out shock waves felt across the country - campus not excluded. Within hours there was a tremendous outpouring of support from the entire MSU community.