Friday, September 20, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



U.S. must be prepared for horrible scenes from war on terrorism

We, as a nation, have really painted ourselves into a corner. Peace is not going to cut it this time and the anticipated war will be a different, more unsightly conflict than we all expect. Former President Bush proclaimed early in this ordeal we will have to fight dirty to combat these terrorists.


SN editorial sends U wrong message

I am writing in response to the editorial, “Message Lost” (SN 9/10). I am disappointed by the judgmental and insulting language used to describe the first anti-rape protest. The article begins with a very objective, detached description of the legal circumstances of Eric Knott and Damon Dowdell.


Stand strong

Our armed forces are setting out on their first assignments of Operation Infinite Justice, and some of our friends and loved ones are among those taking up arms to combat the evil of terrorism around the world. Many men and women, some no older than most college students, are going off to fight a war against a faceless enemy - an enemy that fights from and hides in the shadows. We’ve seen this coming since Sept.


Right resolution

On Friday, the Board of Trustees could speak for the first time about last year’s undercover police investigation of a student activist group.


Grand ol flag

U.S. flag sales have soared thanks to the surge of patriotism that has flooded our nation after last week’s terrorist attacks on New York City and Washington.


SN needs updated photo of 19 Wheels

For the second time in the past year, I opened up The State News MS&U section to see another 19 Wheels show being promoted by the paper (“19 Wheels to play at Rick’s,” SN 9/13). As a long time fan of the band it is nice to see it get coverage in their hometown.


Student: Parking now, not in 2020

I think it is great plans are being made to make the campus a better place for 2020 and thereafter, but aren’t there some smaller steps that could be taken now? Parking has been such a problem on this campus and even though the new ramp was installed off of Trowbridge Road, it doesn’t help commuters who have class on the other side of campus.


War or peace? Reader says war

This letter is in regard to Monday’s headline, “War or peace?” (SN 9/17). We are already at war, even though it has not been officially declared by our government.