Friday, September 20, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Not time to have Knott discussion

I have been reading about the controversy surrounding our football team and Eric Knott since the beginning of school and I have come to realize a few things. First, I do not feel the opinion of men on this matter should be taken very seriously since it is not their safety at risk.


Safety first?

In the halls of our federal government, preparations are underway to step up our sense of security as a people.


Air Jordan | A reason, again, to watch

Today is rumored to be the day Michael Jordan makes his much-anticipated official announcement.Since early this year, stories have grown about the possibility, the probability and the practicality of Jordan coming back to the NBA.


Out of credit

With any luck, Michigan universities will soon see state aid increase with the repeal of the failed tuition tax credit.


Yield sign welcome at busy crosswalk

Automobile and pedestrian traffic often interact unsuccessfully on this large and modern campus. As someone who walks, I often confront dangerous situations caused by automobiles. I was happy to encounter the new crosswalk yield sign near the south entrance of Spartan Stadium.


Terrorism has no place in Islam; such scare tactics have no religion

No religion on earth claims the way to God is at the cost of innocent lives. Islam is no exception. The despicable and heinous acts perpetrated at the World Trade Center and Pentagon are not tolerated by this faith. Muslims across the United States and elsewhere were quick to denounce what were apparently vicious and cowardly acts of terrorism against innocent civilians.


Muslims not to blame, support U.S. efforts

Everyone agrees terrorists should be brought to book, but some misgivings may arise against Islam and the Muslims, which needs to be rectified. Islam, which literally means “peace,” stands for peace as much as does Christianity, Judaism or any other religion, but there are some in the religion who have misinterpreted it for their own interests.


Healing helper

MSU’s Board of Trustees has joined in the outpouring of humanitarian support our country has seen in recent weeks following the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington.


Article missed that Allah is god of all

I was happy to see the article about the Muslim faith in the Sept. 20 issue of The State News (“Students pack Union forum to learn more on Muslim faith”). I would like to clarify one point that appeared in the article.


Red Cross thanks for blood donors

The response of the students to the recent tragic events has been magnificent. Many, many people have called asking to sponsor blood drives, volunteer, raise funds or provide anything else that was needed.


Keep flying

Say goodbye to marriage proposals and advertisements for Dejà Vu. MSU is requesting the Federal Aviation Administration designate the airspace over Spartan Stadium as a no-fly zone, a decision that could effectively ground the small airplanes that trail advertisements behind them as they circle football games. Although the effort seems to have been given added attention after last week’s terrorist attacks, MSU President M.