Friday, September 20, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Full disclosure

Lawmakers could be putting students’ safety at risk as they prepare to reform how colleges and universities report campus crime. U.S.


SN attacks rights; CCW law positive

It’s a shame in this time of immense patriotism we have to defend our Constitution, and the rights our forefathers guaranteed us, against fellow Americans (“Out of ammo,” SN 9/27). The Second Amendment clearly states good old American Joes like you and I have the right to own firearms for our personal defense and protection.


Character should count in athletics

Although I’m becoming more concerned about justice in the nation’s efforts against terrorism, I’m glad to see some in the MSU community have not forgotten about justice on the personal level.


Meets quality

Water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink. At least that appears to be the opinion of Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility. The activist group issued a statement last week accusing the Ingham County Health Department of censoring important information from its December 2000 water quality report. The group said hazards to Ingham County’s surface and groundwater were not identified, putting residents in danger. But the county’s 20-page pamphlet, a pared-down version of the 130-page report, is a thorough and easy-to-digest packet containing the highlights of the original publication’s content.


Notre Dame game showed patriotism

As one of thousands who took a lot from this weekend’s game, I just want to say thanks to Michigan State for the patriotic spirit you displayed. In holding up signs of the American flag and chanting “U.S.A.” before the game and during halftime we confirmed America and all she stands for, hopefully offering some support for those who need it most at this time. The halftime show was something that won’t soon be forgotten.


Positive step

MSU officials have succeeded in increasing the minority student population, with 20 percent of this year’s freshman class projected to be minority students. But retention of minority students is still sluggish, threatening to undermine the work recruiters do to bring black, Chicano and Latino, Asian and Pacific Islanders, Native American and other minority students to campus.


Time to leaf | Autumn cold is here

It’s happened.The warning signs were all there. This is a campus of thousands of trees after all.And thousands of students.It was the latter sign that told us the time had arrived.


Out of ammo

People Who Care About Kids is on an empty clip. The group, which has led opposition to the months-old concealed weapons law, announced it is stopping a petition drive to place the issue on the 2002 ballot in an effort to overturn it. The law requires county gun boards give CCW licenses to any adult who completes a gun-safety course and doesn’t have a criminal record or history of mental illness. Previously, those who wanted to carry a concealed weapon had to show legitimate need to possess a firearm. The group says it could collect the more than 250,000 signatures needed, but doesn’t have the money to run the large-scale campaign necessary to compete with gun-rights activists. This is truly unfortunate to see.


The plane truth: Stadium ban good

Your editorial (“Keep flying,” SN 9/21), obviously was written by a person whose aviation experience has been limited to eating pretzels and drinking Cokes in the back of airliners.


Will newfound patriotism, unity hold after nation returns to normal?

Voices are raised, money is donated and a great deal of lip service is paid to love of country: “you can’t tread on us,” and “I’d die to keep us free.” Militia members who weeks ago would have shot a federal agent if he came within miles of their homes are embracing those same agents in a common cause - the anger and hatred of those who would cause harm to the United States.


Dont point finger based on ethnicity

For all of the horrible things that have happened, why must it continue? For those people who are pointing their fingers at Americans with Middle Eastern heritage, you should be ashamed.



One of the largest consumer retail channels in the world is about to join the rest of the more traditional outlets in fiscal responsibility.


Hey, chief

For 15 years, Bruce Benson has overseen the campus department perhaps best known for issuing MIPs, ticketing speeders and towing vehicles. The title of police chief and director of MSU’s Department of Police and Public Safety doesn’t exactly come with the undying love of students everywhere. But it should come with a lot of respect. In the time he’s been chief, Benson has helped mold our police department into one of the most diverse and progressive forces in the nation.


Wrong message

The obvious fear was these unknown men could be a danger to campus, fostering apprehension toward the multitude of MSU students with Muslim or Middle Eastern heritage.But these feelings are misplaced.MSU’s Department of Police and Public Safety sent out a universitywide e-mail asking students to help identify three Pakistani men after an incident Wednesday at the Business College.Police said the three men did not do anything illegal but “made several comments of an unusual nature that caused some concern” after the Sept.