Friday, September 20, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Reader hopes police get skater

Thank you for the article on the MSU Skate Club (“Skate, Rattle and Roll: On board with ‘U’ skaters,” SN 10/3). I sincerely hope the article and accompanying picture will result in police action against the individuals responsible for destroying the stone edging in front of the Kresge Art Center.


Get out the vote

As the November general election draws closer, time is running out for residents - including students - to register to vote. The registration deadline is Oct.


Cold words?

Critics are urging MSU sports officials to change the name of “The Cold War” before Saturday’s record-breaking outdoor matchup.


Wrong to paint over U.S. flag on rock

For the past weeks, I have driven and walked past the rock on Farm Lane and found the U.S. flag which had been painted on it to be not only inspiring, but a reminder the MSU community supports our nation’s fallen victims and its heroes. But as of this weekend, the rock has been painted over by Alpha Tau Omega.


Reader: Nice job with smelly issue

I would like to congratulate Ryan Wallace for his serious, yet entertaining article regarding pig “toots” and their manure (“Engineers Seek to Make Oinkers’ Odors Smell Sweet,” SN 9/27). You deserve an award for your eloquent choice of words!


Power play

Michigan electricity customers will soon get an unsettling charge added to their monthly bills. For the next three years, we’ll all be charged for a “customer education program” to prepare us for added competition in the electricity market.It’s not unsettling that the state will spend $33 million on the campaign - electricity deregulation is a tricky issue - but it is questionable that state officials will pay three public relations companies tied to Michigan’s two major utility companies, Consumers Energy and Detroit Edison, to run the campaign.


Good cop?...

Listen to the word on the street, read the bathroom graffiti or log on to the Internet. Police are not popular. It’s an inevitability that campus police will be viewed as the enemy by some students.


Simple censorship

The MSU community missed an opportunity to deal with the important issues of racism when university officials censored the play “SubUrbia.” The Department of Theatre production was scheduled to run for more than a week, but was cut to one performance Thursday after some university officials expressed concern about its content. The play, which centers around a rock star and his three friends who hang out at a neighborhood convenience store, includes two Pakistani characters who face discrimination. It’s understandable why some might feel uncomfortable about the play, but that doesn’t mean censorship is the right solution. Ethnic discrimination is a sensitive subject for our community, especially since the Sept.


Spare Jon, Lisa cell phone conversation about impending hook-up

I knew about five different parties that happened this weekend. One was a techno music party, another was a fraternity party with some kind of theme or other, there was a Ski Club party and two other general house parties on Gunson and Beale streets.I also knew that Jon was planning to hook up with Lisa on Friday, and that the frat party was going to be “totally lame.”I learned about all of this in my math class.


For Brandon

For the past year, Brandon D’Annunzio’s friends and family have been trying to rebuild their lives the best they can. Today marks the one-year anniversary of the assault of a 24-year-old Michigan Technological University student outside a downtown East Lansing bar.