Friday, September 20, 2024

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For the last three weeks, the Bush administration has been warning Taliban officials they had better accede to our country’s demands, “or else.” Sunday, the first wave of our “or else” struck targets in Afghanistan, including the capital city of Kabul. B-2 stealth bombers and cruise missiles were used in attacks throughout the Texas-sized nation beginning about 12:30 p.m.


Fighting fire

Budget problems in Michigan have affected everything from higher education to the drive for an Internet sales tax. Firefighters stand to receive the latest fiscal hit if the Legislature doesn’t restore a $7.4 million fire protection grant.


Crime stats dont prove CCW success

I am writing in response to Bobbyjoe Glover’s letter regarding the new concealed weapons law (“Fewer CCW permits doesn’t mean safer,” SN 10/1). The writer says in the end of his letter, “I have to reply, prove it.” After I read Glover’s letter, I have to reply, you’ve proved nothing. Glover states Macomb County has had a drop in violent crimes since 1995.


Light the way

For many students who have felt threatened or faced sexual assault, the green light emergency phones scattered around campus are a welcome sight.


SN ignored water report problems

Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility was perplexed by your Sept. 28 editorial, “Meets quality.” Your newspaper missed the boat on a number of issues the Ingham County Health Department water report that may affect the health of all county residents. The State News inaccurately stated that all critical information was included in the county brochure.


Right of way means nothing to SUVs

Riding my bike on campus has always been a joy. Although hurling unsuspecting pedestrians from sidewalks with my two-wheeled missile is a beloved pastime, I sometimes choose to exercise my legal rights of riding on the road on campus with other Spartans, the tolerant, intelligent, sympathetic people they are. I’d like to thank the gentleman who bestowed upon me a gracious honk as I made my way home on my bike from class.


GEU did right thing delivering message

It is easy for a graduate student to criticize the actions of its union (“‘Buffoons’ running graduate union ,” SN 10/2). In fact, it is the responsibility of each member to hold leaders accountable.


Buurrrr. Its cold

A new Cold War will break out this weekend. On Saturday, MSU will set the world record for the most-attended hockey game in history, converting a football field into a hockey rink and, we hope, toppling Michigan.This game has been in the works since late June, when MSU sports officials first toyed with the idea.


Failed task

As much as university officials try to control alcohol use, it is still a big part of the college student’s experience on campus.It would be a falsehood to say alcohol has not caused any problems on campus over the years.


SNs CCW editorial missed key facts

The errors of fact in this opinion piece (“Out of ammo,” SN 9/27) are too numerous to bother addressing. One item, however, stands out: equating concealed carry with gun availability.


Aleing history | E.L. covers up past

It was only seven months ago that East Lansing uncovered a little of its lost history. The discovery came in the form of several advertisements painted on the side of the building that houses Curious Book Shop, 307 E.


Campus danger

The Task Force on Student-Police Relations held its first open forum Tuesday night. But something important was lacking: The voices of regular students.A crowd of more than 70 people kept the forum running for several hours, but most of the people who expressed concerns about MSU police had formal titles that usually included ASMSU, MSU’s undergraduate student government.It’s nice to see our student leaders taking the initiative to have their voices heard, but the task force was created to gather information from the student body - not an elite group of people that already has access to campus administrators.But the task force and the very student government leaders who spoke Tuesday night failed in their most important task.