Friday, September 20, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



End bombing of innocent Afghan people

In high school, whenever the topic of animal rights came up I would explode into a passionate sermon about the injustices of our treatment and the arrogance of our attitude toward the other living things that are a part of Earth. I’ve been standing on my self-righteous soapbox since I was a kid.


Bright idea

You could almost see the light bulb going off over university officials’ heads when they had the bright idea to set off the new energy conservation campaign. In the face of various budget cuts causing blows to academic, extracurricular and support departments across campus, MSU has been searching for ways to keep its costs down.


Aware of abuse

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. It goes without saying that domestic abuse in any form is a despicable act that has absolutely no excuse.


Newspaper missed softball coverage

First thing I did when I got last Monday’s issue of The State News was go through the entire sports section, desperately looking for a story or even a mention of the two amazing victories the MSU softball team achieved Oct.


Fewer cartoonists, more moms needed

I find the “Bizzaro” cartoon by Dan Piraro on Oct. 12 quite offensive. If Mr. Piraro thinks that staying up all night, sleeping all day and getting all dressed up for the evening is basic training for a stay-at-home mom, he’s an idiot. Have him trade places with any stay-at-home mom for one week.


Shop for the U.S.

With the now unpredictable economy, retailers are beginning to worry how to stock shelves and what to expect when it comes to customer purchases. Perhaps because of this confusion - and adding to our own - some stores have begun to display Christmas decorations.


War is best solution to ending terrorism

Nazis represent no country, no nation; and no nation can be held accountable for their crimes. If members of the German government are part of the Nazi organization, those people should be hunted down and turned over to the League of Nations, along with the rest of the criminals.


Terror scare

We usually feel safe on campus, but the scare of an anthrax attack Friday at Linton Hall should be a reminder to all of us to be aware and vigilant against suspicious activity. The landmark hall on West Circle Drive was closed off after an employee opened a letter thought to contain a white powder - especially worrisome considering anthrax was mailed to a Florida tabloid newspaper office, NBC News anchor Tom Brokaw and a Microsoft office. Officials sent 15 people to the hospital as a precaution while the letter, apparently from an animal rights activist, was tested for dangerous substances.


Spartan chariot better last year

I am a longtime MSU football season ticket holder and MSU alumna. I would like to know why the chariot, horses and Spartan driver that circle the field before the games have been replaced?


Masons money

As the winningest coach in college hockey, Ron Mason is expected - and deserves - to receive a $20,000 raise today.


Organized religion helps, not hurts

Contrary to what Craig Gunn would have us believe (“Time for the dissolution of organized religion?” SN 10/4), the greatest crimes against humanity have been perpetrated due to the lack of organized religion and not because of it. Look at the Stalinist Soviet Union, an officially atheist country, which exterminated up to 40 million of its own people.


Notre Dame should know to be on field

Thanks for the lesson regarding “one of the most sordid betrayals of trust in recent sports history,” (“Irish wronged by ‘U’ athletic program,” SN 10/10). I think a better question to ask is why didn’t Notre Dame and Bob Davie come to the same conclusion Bobby Williams did? Maybe it was more important for the team to be out on the field supporting the United States than sitting in the locker room watching “Rudy.” I think if you asked most fans they would come to a consensus it was appropriate for the teams to be on the field in honor of the victims.


Restroom problems also plagued game

I would like it known that students were not the only ones denied access during “The Cold War” (“Access denied for students at ‘Cold War,’” SN 10/10). All of the women who were in need of a restroom were also denied access to that restroom, the only ladies’ room on the upper concourse of the east side of Spartan Stadium. I missed all of the first intermission and about six minutes of the second period just trying to use the restroom, as I had to go all the way down because there was no way to get in and out of the area near the student section. I am an avid Spartan hockey fan and came to watch the game and help my alma mater set a record.


Coming home

Homecoming is not only about football and tailgating. It is the most public chance for students to show school pride and represent the university.


Band not obscure, SN review wrong

I am writing in response to the review on the American Hi-Fi/Phantom Planet show, where you dismissed Phantom Planet as “obscure” (“American Hi-Fi rocks campus with basic rock ’n’ roll,” SN 10/10). I thought that since that review may be the only exposure your readers may ever have to Phantom Planet, they should know a lot of people did enjoy the band.