Friday, September 20, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Annex option

East Lansing and other municipalities need to watch where they grow in the future. Land annexation is not a new issue for the city.


Old Town temple

Temple Club, Lansing’s newest nightclub, opened its doors for the first time Thursday night. Welcome to the area.This nightclub’s look alone almost guarantees high-quality entertainment.


Open records

An alarmist might say our civil rights are in danger. Congress is preparing a bill which will allow law enforcement agencies greater freedom in investigating suspected terrorists.


Music, even if loud, helps identify self

After four years on this campus, there isn’t much that intimidates me. But there is one thing that scares me above all else - I get nervous driving in the area when I play my music loud. I’m not worried about the police giving me a noise violation ticket, although I have gotten a few in the past.


U.S. shouldnt kill innocent Afghans

This letter is in response to David W. Towne’s letter “War is best solution to ending terrorism” (SN, 10/15). While I agree with his assessment that it is time for action, one would think a third-year law student could produce original thought rather than reword what the six o’clock news has been telling us for the last month. Our awareness as a nation is a virtue, but it is a double-edged sword.


Cost of war

Sometimes accidents happen. Tuesday, the Pentagon admitted Navy warplanes struck “one or more” warehouses belonging to the International Committee of the Red Cross.


Actions to natives was early terrorism

Jeffrey Formanczyk seems to think we native peoples should just stay out of sight, out of mind and swept under the rug of collective American ignorance so the rest of the country can focus on the really important things like the Sept.


Wasting time

To our disappointment and dismay, the movement to repeal the tuition tax credit may have met an untimely roadblock in the state House on Tuesday.But the apparent setback doesn’t come from a lack of support, as the measure was well-received from most legislators and supported by the governor.


Columnist missed point on Emmys

While flipping through The State News my attention was drawn to Drew Harmon’s column, “Emmys should remain canceled” (SN 10/15). I agree the Emmys should be delayed, but, as I had not given the award show’s cancellation much thought, I read the article in hope of becoming more enlightened to the topic.


Grad gloom?

New problems are facing recent and soon-to-be graduating college students. While sitting on piles of credit card bills and student loans, we’re faced with the uncertainty of today’s economy.With an unpredictable economy, students are wondering if they will find the jobs needed to pay off their debts.


Aware of abuse

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. It goes without saying that domestic abuse in any form is a despicable act that has absolutely no excuse.