Friday, September 20, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Juice on the loose

The Juice is loose - and this time it’s absurd. O.J. Simpson is in court again, as the sole defense witness for himself against charges of auto burglary and battery charges. In his testimony in a Florida courtroom Tuesday, Simpson asserted, among other things, that he never had to lie with his life depending on it, and that he had never been accused of being an actor - a comment that produced laughter throughout the courtroom. Facing up to 16 years in prison if convicted, Simpson answered a series of questions in cross-examination, some of which were barred as Prosecutor Abbe Rifkin began treading the line on items relating to his ex-wife, and the criminal trial in which he was accused of killing Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman. During normal times this news might make more prominent headlines, although it really shouldn’t.


U group friendly to family values

I agree with Jason Munford (“Parade wrong place for pro-life group,” SN 10/18) that the Homecoming parade was a “family event” that “should yield family content.” That is precisely why MSU Students for Life decided to participate when invited.


Bad display

If the goal was to spark discussion and surprise, the supposed “genocide pictures” posted around Wells Hall on Monday and Tuesday certainly accomplished their task. MSU Students for Life and the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform organized “The Genocide Awareness Project,” a photo exhibit of aborted fetuses alongside historical examples of genocide, including victims of the Holocaust and Rwandan and Cambodian massacres. The Wells Hall courtyard is known for startling displays and protests, and the last couple of days have proved to be no exception. But this was not the best way to make a point.


Join GEU in debate over health care

I am a graduate student in psychology and a member of the Graduate Employees Union. I joined because I have taught many courses at MSU and realize teaching assistants are fundamental to the university and its mission to educate undergraduates.


Money matters

There is not expected to be good news for the financially minded today. State economists are meeting to examine Michigan’s fiscal future.Three state agencies will be participating in a revenue-estimating conference to discuss the state’s economic shortcomings and what may be done to combat them.The situation is better than the early 1980s.


Public search

As University of Michigan President Lee Bollinger’s departure to become Columbia University’s president looms, the Board of Regents is beginning the process to find his successor.We hope the regents learned their lesson from the presidential search that produced Bollinger, as well as the more controversial episode here that brought President M.


Government critics very important now

I have noticed people espousing that criticism of our government is inappropriate due to the events of Sept.11 and most recently in a letter that criticized Native American groups for protesting Columbus Day (“U.S.


What happened to green, white U?

How does that song go again? “Fight for the only colors, green and white... ” As I pedal my bike along the many paths of our emerald campus, why is it that I see students adorned with MSU sweatshirts, T-shirts and hoodies bearing, not our school colors, but red, light blue and even bright orange?


Breath of life

Thanks to the members of the state House Appropriations Committee who kept their watches running Thursday.The committee voted 18-11 to revive the repeal of the tuition tax credit, which appeared to die two days earlier in subcommittee.


Ice legend

More congratulations to college hockey’s winningest coach. MSU hockey head coach Ron Mason reached the landmark 900-win mark Saturday after the Spartans downed Ferris State at Munn Ice Arena. The milestone comes only weeks after Mason and his crew successfully pulled off the largest attended hockey game in the world. More than 74,000 people attended “The Cold War” in Spartan Stadium on Oct.


Old Town temple

Temple Club, Lansing’s newest nightclub, opened its doors for the first time Thursday night. Welcome to the area.This nightclub’s look alone almost guarantees high-quality entertainment.